


Bug #1136 » Privacy Browser Android 3.16 Logcat 27122023.txt

Lasse Gismo, 12/27/2023 04:37 AM

--------- beginning of main
[ 12-27 12:31:02.883 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:02.933 14043:14043 V/GraphicsEnvironment ]
ANGLE Developer option for 'com.stoutner.privacybrowser.alt' set to: 'default'

[ 12-27 12:31:02.933 14043:14043 V/GraphicsEnvironment ]
ANGLE GameManagerService for com.stoutner.privacybrowser.alt: false

[ 12-27 12:31:02.933 14043:14043 V/GraphicsEnvironment ]
Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.

[ 12-27 12:31:02.936 14043:14043 D/NetworkSecurityConfig ]
Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false

[ 12-27 12:31:02.938 14043:14043 D/NetworkSecurityConfig ]
Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false

[ 12-27 12:31:02.965 14043:14043 D/AppCompatDelegate ]
Checking for metadata for AppLocalesMetadataHolderService : Service not found

[ 12-27 12:31:02.988 14043:14043 I/WebViewFactory ]
Loading version 120.0.6099.115 (code 609911501)

[ 12-27 12:31:03.013 14043:14043 I/cr_WVCFactoryProvider ]
Loaded version=120.0.6099.115 minSdkVersion=1 isBundle=false multiprocess=true packageId=2

[ 12-27 12:31:03.026 14043:14043 I/cr_LibraryLoader ]
Successfully loaded native library

[ 12-27 12:31:03.028 14043:14043 I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder ]
Flushed 7 samples from 7 histograms, 0 samples were dropped.

[ 12-27 12:31:03.040 14043:14043 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
#registerProvider() provider:WV.A6@8d0c0ce isPolicyCacheEnabled:false policyProvidersSize:0

[ 12-27 12:31:03.042 14043:14043 I/cr_PolicyProvider ]
#setManagerAndSource() 0

[ 12-27 12:31:03.064 14043:14043 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
#linkNativeInternal() 1

[ 12-27 12:31:03.064 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 183155436; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:03.065 14043:14043 I/cr_AppResProvider ]
#getApplicationRestrictionsFromUserManager() Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]

[ 12-27 12:31:03.065 14043:14043 I/cr_PolicyProvider ]
#notifySettingsAvailable() 0

[ 12-27 12:31:03.065 14043:14043 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
#onSettingsAvailable() 0

[ 12-27 12:31:03.065 14043:14043 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]

[ 12-27 12:31:03.091 14043:14082 W/chromium ]
[] Failed to read DnsConfig.

[ 12-27 12:31:03.128 14043:14083 E/cr_TrackExitReasons ]
Failed to parse JSON from file.

[ 12-27 12:31:03.141 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 214741472; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:03.167 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 210923482; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:03.182 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 171228096; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:03.186 14043:14043 W/TabLayout ]
MODE_SCROLLABLE + GRAVITY_FILL is not supported, GRAVITY_START will be used instead

--------- beginning of events
[ 12-27 12:31:03.407 14043:14043 I/wm_on_create_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:03.410 14043:14043 I/wm_on_start_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:03.413 14043:14043 I/wm_on_resume_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:03.417 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 237531167; UID 10264; state: DISABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:03.423 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:31:03.446 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:03.456 14043:14113 I/AdrenoGLES-0 ]
QUALCOMM build : 3b5766d, Ia5561a03a2
Build Date : 07/20/21
OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.32.02.12
Local Branch :
Remote Branch :
Remote Branch :
Reconstruct Branch :

[ 12-27 12:31:03.456 14043:14113 I/AdrenoGLES-0 ]
Build Config : S L 10.0.7 AArch64

[ 12-27 12:31:03.456 14043:14113 I/AdrenoGLES-0 ]
Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/

[ 12-27 12:31:03.463 14043:14113 I/AdrenoGLES-0 ]
PFP: 0x005ff114, ME: 0x005ff066

[ 12-27 12:31:03.499 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:31:03.500 14043:14117 I/Gralloc4 ]
mapper 4.x is not supported

[ 12-27 12:31:03.501 14043:14117 W/Gralloc3 ]
mapper 3.x is not supported

[ 12-27 12:31:03.503 14043:14117 W/Gralloc4 ]
allocator 4.x is not supported

[ 12-27 12:31:03.503 14043:14117 W/Gralloc3 ]
allocator 3.x is not supported

[ 12-27 12:31:03.504 14043:14117 I/Gralloc2 ]
Adding additional valid usage bits: 0x202000

[ 12-27 12:31:03.612 14043:14053 I/vacybrowser.alt ]
JIT allocated 56KB for compiled code of void y2.e.d(java.lang.String)

[ 12-27 12:31:03.945 14043:14053 I/vacybrowser.alt ]
Compiler allocated 7224KB to compile void y2.e.d(java.lang.String)

[ 12-27 12:31:04.134 14043:14092 W/cr_media ]
BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permission is missing.

[ 12-27 12:31:04.136 14043:14092 W/cr_media ]
registerBluetoothIntentsIfNeeded: Requires BLUETOOTH permission

[ 12-27 12:31:04.162 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 193247900; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:04.264 14043:14053 I/vacybrowser.alt ]
JIT allocated 68KB for compiled code of java.lang.String[] androidx.lifecycle.j0.c(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.ArrayList)

[ 12-27 12:31:04.297 14043:14043 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.appcompat.widget.d0{4c598d7 V.ED..... ..S..AID 0,30-70,100 #7f09014c app:id/favorite_icon_imageview} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 12-27 12:31:04.297 14043:14043 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.RelativeLayout{be177fb V.E...... ......ID 194,9-460,141 #7f090342 app:id/url_relativelayout} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 12-27 12:31:04.297 14043:14043 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by{6cb31a6 VFED..C.. ......ID 0,10-130,140 #7f0901ac app:id/javascript} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 12-27 12:31:04.297 14043:14043 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by{b322a3d VFED..C.. ......ID 130,10-512,140 #7f090266 app:id/refresh} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 12-27 12:31:04.297 14043:14043 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionMenuView{a08e7e7 V.E...... ......ID 460,0-1080,151} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 12-27 12:31:04.365 14043:14101 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2

[ 12-27 12:31:04.365 14043:14101 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2

[ 12-27 12:31:04.403 14043:14043 D/CompatibilityChangeReporter ]
Compat change id reported: 163400105; UID 10264; state: ENABLED

[ 12-27 12:31:04.407 14043:14043 I/AssistStructure ]
Flattened final assist data: 6292 bytes, containing 1 windows, 53 views

[ 12-27 12:31:05.335 14043:14053 I/vacybrowser.alt ]
Compiler allocated 4541KB to compile java.lang.String[] androidx.lifecycle.j0.c(java.lang.String, java.lang.String, boolean, java.util.ArrayList)

[ 12-27 12:31:08.865 14043:14147 D/ProfileInstaller ]
Skipping profile installation for com.stoutner.privacybrowser.alt

[ 12-27 12:31:15.390 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:31:15.431 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:31:15.496 14043:14054 I/vacybrowser.alt ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 395512(24MB) AllocSpace objects, 29(644KB) LOS objects, 66% free, 12MB/38MB, paused 114us,436us total 179.562ms

[ 12-27 12:31:16.706 14043:14043 I/cr_A11yState ]
Enabled accessibility services list updated.

[ 12-27 12:31:16.710 14043:14043 I/cr_A11yState ]
Informing listeners of changes.

[ 12-27 12:31:16.710 14043:14043 I/cr_A11yState ]
New AccessibilityState: State{isScreenReaderEnabled=false, isTouchExplorationEnabled=false, isPerformGesturesEnabled=false, isAnyAccessibilityServiceEnabled=true, isAccessibilityToolPresent=false, isSpokenFeedbackServicePresent=false, isTextShowPasswordEnabled=true, isOnlyPasswordManagersEnabled=true}

[ 12-27 12:31:22.142 14043:14043 I/AssistStructure ]
Flattened final assist data: 6316 bytes, containing 1 windows, 53 views

[ 12-27 12:31:46.466 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:46.494 14043:14043 I/wm_on_paused_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:46.920 14043:14043 I/wm_on_stop_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:49.919 14043:14043 I/wm_on_restart_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:49.922 14043:14043 I/wm_on_start_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:49.926 14043:14043 I/wm_on_resume_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:49.927 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:49.954 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:31:50.471 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:31:52.027 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:31:52.049 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:31:52.058 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:31:52.089 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:31:52.675 14043:14043 E/DecorView[] ]
Destroying unexpected ActionMode instance of TYPE_FLOATING; was not the current floating action mode! Expected null

[ 12-27 12:31:52.855 14043:14043 I/AssistStructure ]
Flattened final assist data: 5684 bytes, containing 2 windows, 43 views

[ 12-27 12:31:52.926 14043:14062 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0x75248b9e00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7434840c70

[ 12-27 12:31:53.579 14043:14043 D/InputMethodManager ]
showSoftInput() view=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView{eaa9408 VFEDHVCL. .F...... 0,0-1080,1100 #7f090213 app:id/nestedscroll_webview aid=1073741881} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT

[ 12-27 12:31:53.584 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:31:53.588 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:31:53.604 14043:14043 I/AssistStructure ]
Flattened final assist data: 5388 bytes, containing 1 windows, 41 views

[ 12-27 12:31:55.869 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:55.900 14043:14043 I/wm_on_paused_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:56.312 14043:14043 I/wm_on_stop_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:59.628 14043:14043 I/wm_on_restart_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:59.629 14043:14043 I/wm_on_start_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:59.631 14043:14043 I/wm_on_resume_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:59.631 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:31:59.660 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:32:00.224 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:32:01.371 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:32:01.388 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:32:01.408 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:32:01.422 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:32:02.102 14043:14043 E/DecorView[] ]
Destroying unexpected ActionMode instance of TYPE_FLOATING; was not the current floating action mode! Expected null

[ 12-27 12:32:02.352 14043:14062 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0x75248cd300 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x743489f380

[ 12-27 12:32:46.306 14043:14043 I/AssistStructure ]
Flattened final assist data: 6452 bytes, containing 1 windows, 53 views

[ 12-27 12:32:46.314 14043:14043 D/InputMethodManager ]
showSoftInput() view=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView{eaa9408 VFEDHVCL. .F...... 0,0-1080,1954 #7f090213 app:id/nestedscroll_webview aid=1073741881} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT

[ 12-27 12:32:46.521 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:33:03.136 14043:14113 I/AdrenoVK-0 ]

[ 12-27 12:33:03.136 14043:14113 I/AdrenoVK-0 ]

[ 12-27 12:33:03.136 14043:14113 I/AdrenoVK-0 ]
QUALCOMM build : 3b5766d, Ia5561a03a2
Build Date : 07/20/21
Shader Compiler Version : EV031.32.02.12
Local Branch :
Remote Branch :
Remote Branch :
Reconstruct Branch :

[ 12-27 12:33:03.136 14043:14113 I/AdrenoVK-0 ]
Build Config : S L 10.0.7 AArch64

[ 12-27 12:33:03.136 14043:14113 I/AdrenoVK-0 ]
Driver Path : /vendor/lib64/hw/

[ 12-27 12:33:19.212 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:19.222 14043:14043 I/wm_on_paused_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:19.990 14043:14043 I/wm_on_stop_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:45.958 14043:14043 I/wm_on_restart_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:45.959 14043:14043 I/wm_on_start_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:45.966 14043:14043 I/wm_on_resume_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:45.969 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:33:46.000 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:33:46.520 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:34:00.389 14043:14043 D/InputMethodManager ]
showSoftInput() view=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView{eaa9408 VFEDHVCL. .F...... 0,0-1080,1100 #7f090213 app:id/nestedscroll_webview aid=1073741881} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT

[ 12-27 12:34:00.392 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:34:00.415 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:34:00.432 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:34:44.148 14043:14043 D/InputMethodManager ]
showSoftInput() view=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView{eaa9408 VFEDHVCL. .F...... 0,0-1080,1100 #7f090213 app:id/nestedscroll_webview aid=1073741881} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT

[ 12-27 12:34:44.152 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:34:44.173 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:34:44.192 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:34:48.533 14043:14043 D/InputMethodManager ]
showSoftInput() view=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.views.NestedScrollWebView{eaa9408 VFEDHVCL. .F...... 0,0-1080,1100 #7f090213 app:id/nestedscroll_webview aid=1073741881} flags=0 reason=SHOW_SOFT_INPUT

[ 12-27 12:34:48.536 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:34:48.561 14043:14062 W/Parcel ]
Expecting binder but got null!

[ 12-27 12:34:48.579 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:35:27.575 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:27.588 14043:14043 I/wm_on_paused_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:28.136 14043:14043 I/wm_on_stop_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:29.440 14043:14043 I/wm_on_restart_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:29.442 14043:14043 I/wm_on_start_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:29.444 14043:14043 I/wm_on_resume_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:29.445 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:29.491 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:35:30.059 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:35:37.031 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:37.044 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:39.007 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:39.021 14043:14043 I/wm_on_paused_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:39.438 14043:14043 I/wm_on_stop_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:40.703 14043:14043 I/wm_on_restart_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:40.704 14043:14043 I/wm_on_start_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:40.706 14043:14043 I/wm_on_resume_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:40.707 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:40.751 14043:14062 E/OpenGLRenderer ]
Unable to match the desired swap behavior.

[ 12-27 12:35:41.258 14043:14043 D/InsetsController ]
show(ime(), fromIme=true)

[ 12-27 12:35:47.012 14043:14043 I/wm_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 12-27 12:35:47.013 14043:14043 I/wm_on_paused_called ]
