--------- beginning of events
[ 12-03 06:35:44.536 16799:16799 I/am_on_create_called ]
[ 12-03 06:35:44.540 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:35:44.541 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:35:53.168 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[ 12-03 06:35:54.014 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[0,Find on Page]
[ 12-03 06:36:11.861 16799:16799 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:36:12.296 16799:16799 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:36:13.326 16799:16799 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:36:13.374 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:36:15.858 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:36:15.858 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:36:15.952 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:36:34.907 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:36:34.946 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:10.853 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:10.854 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:10.858 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:19.398 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[0,Proxy - None]
[ 12-03 06:38:21.396 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[ 12-03 06:38:22.243 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[0,Find on Page]
[ 12-03 06:38:38.989 16799:16799 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:38:39.192 16799:16799 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:38:40.157 16799:16799 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:38:40.201 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:41.780 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:41.780 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:38:41.864 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:39:40.720 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:39:41.206 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
--------- beginning of main
[ 12-03 06:39:57.372 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:39:57.373 16799:16799 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.373 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:39:57.374 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.382 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.383 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:39:57.384 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.408 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:39:57.411 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:39:57.411 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe6748de0, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:39:57.435 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.435 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.435 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:39:57.437 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:39:57.437 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:39:57.437 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:39:57.437 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:39:57.437 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:39:57.440 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:39:57.445 16799:16885 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:39:57.445 16799:16885 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:39:57.450 16799:16885 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(61) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:39:57.497 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:39:57.498 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:39:57.499 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:39:57.500 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 1 line
[ 12-03 06:39:57.501 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:39:58.315 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:39:58.316 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:39:58.316 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:39:58.316 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:39:58.316 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:39:58.316 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:39:58.317 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:39:58.317 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:39:58.317 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:39:58.318 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:39:58.318 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -4a104260a2756b325095e398ae7c302b8382c60e2ff20527c439439f13242702d6b08e39c9ca73f43c059e8b0187cd8e16bfe4305c92bd0924e9d71002376da2524a3130cc2a11ca8b3ebabf3b63abf7cdf5fa2dabf0eecdaa238a4c40f0072c4b748a0da32577dceaa9d7265918e1196700c6e23e25ec79c4b1b241541218d2ae2bfe2e55cb96778ec1e69a92715769b073e1a51c382f3c6fafc9f8248c1cf94c6a186f3ca2802587cef86ba849ee27d888db8f77981e7178da4873b17a3ed9b5d86a64969a6def3721c8221a00c418decd1eb6f2d8506a933048a2dd4e9e4ee97595c30fe1ff09104e34689ac1693f75d1987ec1058975d4e6d6ad6d0c8338
[ 12-03 06:39:58.353 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:39:58.353 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:39:58.353 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:39:58.353 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:39:58.353 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:39:58.354 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:39:58.354 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:39:58.354 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:39:58.355 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:39:58.355 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:39:58.355 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:39:58.381 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:39:58.673 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:39:58.674 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:39:58.674 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:01.459 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:01.551 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:04.329 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:04.383 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:10.374 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:10.427 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:11.336 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:11.408 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:12.176 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:40:12.176 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:40:12.185 16799:16799 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:40:12.186 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@10c6b21, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:40:12.186 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:40:12.212 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.222 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.285 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=177
[ 12-03 06:40:12.286 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@827c219[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:40:12.310 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:12.313 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:40:12.313 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xd0560fe0, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:40:12.317 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:40:12.317 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:40:12.318 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.318 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@827c219[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.319 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:40:12.324 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@827c219[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.324 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:40:12.324 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:40:12.324 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:40:12.324 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:40:12.326 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=184
[ 12-03 06:40:12.326 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:40:12.335 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:40:12.353 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.353 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:12.353 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:12.422 16799:16809 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 54978(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 379us total 215.847ms
[ 12-03 06:40:13.107 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:13.150 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:13.188 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:40:13.188 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xd0560fe0, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:40:13.188 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc7313d00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xcce8c160
[ 12-03 06:40:13.188 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5652d60[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:13.200 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=177
[ 12-03 06:40:13.201 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:13.220 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:13.220 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:13.220 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:13.222 16799:16799 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:40:13.222 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:13.334 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=184
[ 12-03 06:40:13.681 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:40:13.681 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe6748de0, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:40:13.690 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:13.696 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:13.697 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:13.717 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.512 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.512 16799:16799 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.512 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:40:23.513 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.521 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.523 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.523 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.546 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:23.549 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.549 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe8685060, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:40:23.549 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:23.549 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:23.555 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.560 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:40:23.577 16799:16887 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.577 16799:16887 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.581 16799:16887 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(61) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.591 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.591 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.591 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.591 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:23.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:23.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:23.593 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:40:23.593 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:40:23.616 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:40:23.651 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.655 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:23.656 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:40:23.656 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:23.664 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3438952448} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:23.666 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:23.666 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:40:23.666 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:23.675 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.686 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:40:23.691 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:40:24.510 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:40:24.510 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:40:24.510 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:40:24.510 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:40:24.511 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:40:24.524 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:40:24.524 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:40:24.525 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:40:24.539 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:40:24.830 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:24.834 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:40:24.834 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:40:28.507 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:28.518 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:28.518 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:28.518 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:28.535 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:28.546 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:28.555 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:40:28.555 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe8685060, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:40:28.566 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:28.589 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:40:28.915 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:33.832 16799:16807 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:40:44.968 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:44.968 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:40:44.969 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:44.970 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:44.972 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:44.972 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:45.000 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:45.004 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:40:45.004 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe8685060, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:40:45.060 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:45.060 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:45.061 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:45.063 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:45.063 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:45.063 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:40:45.063 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:40:45.063 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:40:45.077 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:40:46.062 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:46.126 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:46.186 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=165
[ 12-03 06:40:46.186 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{af5ad31 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:40:46.216 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:46.218 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [520x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:40:46.218 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d020, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:40:46.262 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:40:46.264 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:46.286 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[320,56][712,920] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:40:46.297 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:46.297 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:46.297 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:47.424 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:47.487 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:47.487 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:40:47.553 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[0,Edit Domain Settings]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.590 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
Relayout returned: old=[320,56][712,920] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:47.592 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.606 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.606 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.606 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:47.607 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.609 16799:16799 W/ActivityThread ]
handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@aebaf77
[ 12-03 06:40:47.625 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@4f16467, isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
[ 12-03 06:40:47.626 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:40:47.640 16799:16799 I/am_on_create_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.642 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.643 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.649 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:40:47.650 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@5bda41b[DomainsActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:40:47.650 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.669 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3353976832} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:47.673 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:40:47.673 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe6748540, 0xc7e9a008
[ 12-03 06:40:47.708 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.909 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:40:47.909 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.910 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@5bda41b[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.910 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:47.913 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@5bda41b[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.913 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:47.913 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:40:47.913 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:40:47.913 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:40:47.915 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:40:47.915 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:40:47.918 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:40:47.918 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d020, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:40:47.918 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bc9f5d8[PopupWindow:2011ab5] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:47.922 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=165
[ 12-03 06:40:47.978 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3353976832} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:47.983 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:40:48.069 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getVisibility()' on a null object reference
[ 12-03 06:40:48.069 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.getHostVisibility(ViewRootImpl.java:1837)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleAppVisibility(ViewRootImpl.java:1472)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage(ViewRootImpl.java:4890)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.070 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:40:48.092 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:40:48.092 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe8685060, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:40:48.102 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:48.108 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:48.112 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:48.124 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:40:49.148 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:49.211 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:49.224 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.239 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.262 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:40:49.278 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.279 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.279 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:49.280 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.292 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.292 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@5bda41b[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.292 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:49.317 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:40:49.319 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:40:49.320 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcae6d360, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:40:49.350 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.351 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.351 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:49.353 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.353 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:40:49.353 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:40:49.353 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:40:49.353 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:40:49.373 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=173
[ 12-03 06:40:49.373 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:40:49.678 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:40:49.686 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.695 16799:16799 I/am_on_destroy_called ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.699 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7e9a008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:40:49.700 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe6748540, 0xc7e9a000
[ 12-03 06:40:49.700 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@7712e2a[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:40:49.709 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:40:50.021 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:40:50.251 16799:16852 W/chromium ]
[WARNING:spdy_session.cc(2975)] Received HEADERS for invalid stream 103
[ 12-03 06:40:55.551 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:55.697 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:55.905 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:56.132 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:56.390 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:56.464 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:56.743 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:56.809 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:57.094 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:57.160 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:57.437 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:57.482 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:57.732 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:57.827 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:58.151 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:58.369 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:58.656 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:58.713 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:58.942 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:59.021 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:40:59.424 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:40:59.492 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:00.428 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:00.522 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:00.723 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:00.855 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:01.099 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:01.179 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:01.405 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:01.465 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:01.695 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:01.755 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:01.993 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:02.045 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:03.754 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:03.817 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:04.895 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:04.959 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:05.772 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:06.165 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:06.715 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:06.768 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:08.202 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:08.264 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:08.972 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:09.036 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:09.437 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:09.570 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:09.803 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:10.217 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:10.488 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:10.540 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:11.791 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:11.854 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:14.551 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:14.624 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:15.408 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:15.462 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:15.465 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[ 12-03 06:41:16.413 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:41:18.250 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:18.296 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:19.195 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:19.277 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:19.479 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:19.660 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:20.101 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:20.144 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:21.404 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:21.458 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:22.776 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:22.838 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:23.430 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:41:23.430 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:41:23.435 16799:16799 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:41:23.435 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@c34c8bd, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:41:23.436 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:41:23.453 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.463 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.513 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:41:23.513 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@d7853ca[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:41:23.537 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:23.539 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:41:23.539 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe8685060, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:41:23.542 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:41:23.542 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:41:23.544 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.544 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@d7853ca[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.544 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:41:23.549 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@d7853ca[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.549 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:41:23.549 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:41:23.549 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:41:23.549 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:41:23.551 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=172
[ 12-03 06:41:23.552 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=173
[ 12-03 06:41:23.564 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:41:23.593 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:23.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:24.508 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:24.562 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:24.600 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:41:24.601 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe8685060, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:41:24.601 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc93abf00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xe674b3c0
[ 12-03 06:41:24.601 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ad52335[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:24.611 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:41:24.612 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:24.631 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:24.631 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:24.631 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:24.632 16799:16799 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:41:24.632 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:24.793 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=172
[ 12-03 06:41:25.090 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:25.097 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:25.107 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:41:25.108 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcae6d360, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:41:25.116 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.315 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.315 16799:16799 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.315 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:41:30.316 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.323 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.324 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.324 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.350 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:30.354 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.354 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcae6d360, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:41:30.363 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.370 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:41:30.387 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.387 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.387 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.387 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:30.390 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:30.390 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:30.390 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.390 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:41:30.390 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:41:30.391 16799:16887 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.391 16799:16887 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.394 16799:16887 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(61) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.400 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:41:30.448 16799:16809 I/rowser.standar ]
CollectorTransition concurrent copying GC freed 74322(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 10(200KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 17MB/35MB, paused 641us total 364.181ms
[ 12-03 06:41:30.455 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.480 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:30.490 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.500 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:41:30.505 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:41:31.065 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:41:31.065 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:41:31.065 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:41:31.066 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:41:31.082 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:41:31.082 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:41:31.082 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:41:31.082 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:41:31.082 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:41:31.083 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:41:31.083 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:41:31.083 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:41:31.083 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:41:31.083 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:41:31.083 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:41:31.097 16799:16887 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:41:31.379 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:31.384 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:41:31.384 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:33.044 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:33.056 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:33.056 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:33.056 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:33.071 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:33.083 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:33.092 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:41:33.092 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcae6d360, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:41:33.099 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:33.119 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:41:33.435 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:38.363 16799:16807 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:41:38.779 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:38.779 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:41:38.780 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:38.781 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:38.782 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:38.782 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:38.808 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:38.811 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:41:38.811 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcae6d360, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:41:38.836 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:38.836 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:38.836 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:38.839 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:38.839 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:38.839 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:41:38.839 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:41:38.839 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:41:38.860 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:41:41.667 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:41.739 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:42.848 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:42.969 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:43.169 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:43.387 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:44.190 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:44.244 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:45.304 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:45.376 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:45.817 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:41:45.817 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:41:45.821 16799:16799 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:41:45.822 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@2564f3e, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:41:45.822 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:41:45.835 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.840 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.884 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:41:45.884 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@7013744[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:41:45.905 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3353976832} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:45.907 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:41:45.907 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7479a40, 0xc7e9a008
[ 12-03 06:41:45.910 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:41:45.910 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:41:45.912 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.912 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@7013744[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.912 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:41:45.916 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@7013744[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.916 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:41:45.916 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:41:45.916 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:41:45.916 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:41:45.918 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=175
[ 12-03 06:41:45.918 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:41:45.926 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:41:45.944 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.944 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:45.944 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:46.704 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:41:46.757 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:41:46.795 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7e9a008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:41:46.795 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc7479a40, 0xc7e9a000
[ 12-03 06:41:46.795 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc81bc600 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xe674b400
[ 12-03 06:41:46.795 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@5d1e057[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:46.806 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:41:46.807 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:46.827 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:46.827 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:46.827 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:46.829 16799:16799 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:41:46.829 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:46.978 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=175
[ 12-03 06:41:47.292 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:41:47.292 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcae6d360, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:41:47.302 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:47.306 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:47.309 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:47.327 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.006 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.006 16799:16799 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.007 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:41:54.007 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.016 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.017 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.018 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.039 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:54.043 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.043 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe86851e0, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:41:54.043 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:54.044 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:54.050 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.054 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:41:54.073 16799:16885 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.073 16799:16885 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.084 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.085 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.085 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.085 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:54.086 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:54.086 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:54.087 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.087 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:41:54.087 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:41:54.113 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:41:54.144 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.146 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:54.147 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:41:54.147 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:54.154 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:41:54.156 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:54.156 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:41:54.156 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:54.163 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.172 16799:16885 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(61) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.173 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:41:54.177 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:41:55.066 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:41:55.066 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:41:55.066 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:41:55.066 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:41:55.066 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:41:55.067 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:41:55.067 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:41:55.067 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:41:55.067 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:41:55.067 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:41:55.068 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:41:55.093 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:41:55.093 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:41:55.093 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:41:55.093 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:41:55.093 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:41:55.094 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:41:55.094 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:41:55.094 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:41:55.094 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:41:55.094 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:41:55.095 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:41:55.118 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:41:55.404 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:55.406 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:41:55.406 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:41:56.577 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:56.588 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:41:56.588 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:41:56.588 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:41:56.597 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:41:56.604 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:41:56.612 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:41:56.612 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe86851e0, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:41:56.619 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:41:56.649 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:41:56.957 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:01.939 16799:16807 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:42:02.136 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:02.137 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:42:02.137 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:02.162 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:02.165 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:02.165 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:02.200 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:02.204 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:02.204 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe86851e0, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:02.225 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:02.225 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:02.225 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:02.229 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:02.229 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:02.229 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:02.229 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:02.229 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:02.244 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:42:03.898 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:05.922 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:06.898 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:07.115 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:07.821 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:07.944 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:10.078 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:10.130 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:10.188 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:42:10.188 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{7e333c5 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:10.218 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:10.220 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [520x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:10.220 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d620, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:42:10.265 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:42:10.269 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:10.291 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[320,56][712,920] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:10.301 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:10.301 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:10.301 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:17.011 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:17.025 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
Relayout returned: old=[320,56][712,920] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x1 surface={true 3438952448} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:17.026 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:17.026 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:17.026 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:17.030 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:17.082 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:17.337 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:17.337 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d620, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:42:17.337 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@8fdea3c[PopupWindow:849a009] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:17.345 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:42:18.286 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:19.179 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:19.675 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:20.545 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:21.172 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:21.207 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:21.258 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=125
[ 12-03 06:42:21.258 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{28e3e46 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:21.301 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:21.304 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [520x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:21.304 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d620, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:42:21.366 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:42:21.370 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:21.389 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[320,56][712,920] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:21.410 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:21.410 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:21.410 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:21.943 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:22.016 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:22.016 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:22.081 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[0,Add Domain Settings]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.121 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
Relayout returned: old=[320,56][712,920] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x1 surface={true 3438952448} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:22.123 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.137 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.137 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.137 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:22.138 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.140 16799:16799 W/ActivityThread ]
handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@d4a57a6
[ 12-03 06:42:22.156 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@860c871, isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
[ 12-03 06:42:22.156 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:42:22.167 16799:16799 I/am_on_create_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.169 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.170 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.175 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:42:22.175 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:22.176 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.189 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3403927552} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:22.192 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:22.192 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe674a3a0, 0xcae3d008
[ 12-03 06:42:22.213 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.395 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:22.396 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.396 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.396 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:22.399 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.399 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:22.399 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:22.399 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:22.399 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:22.401 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=173
[ 12-03 06:42:22.401 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:42:22.446 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3403927552} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:22.450 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:42:22.519 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:22.519 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d620, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:42:22.519 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@6567a21[PopupWindow:36f547a] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.528 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=125
[ 12-03 06:42:22.543 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int android.view.View.getVisibility()' on a null object reference
[ 12-03 06:42:22.543 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.getHostVisibility(ViewRootImpl.java:1837)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.view.ViewRootImpl.handleAppVisibility(ViewRootImpl.java:1472)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.view.ViewRootImpl$ViewRootHandler.handleMessage(ViewRootImpl.java:4890)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at android.app.ActivityThread.main(ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Native Method)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run(RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.544 16799:16799 W/System.err ]
at com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:42:22.557 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:22.557 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe86851e0, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:42:22.567 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:22.573 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:22.575 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:22.588 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:24.815 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:24.897 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:24.943 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:42:24.943 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{9fcdd6f V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:24.968 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[92,575][600,812] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:24.970 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [636x365]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:24.970 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe86851e0, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:24.994 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:42:24.996 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:24.997 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[92,575][600,812] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:25.021 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:25.021 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:25.021 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:25.510 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:25.565 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:25.565 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:25.651 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
Relayout returned: old=[92,575][600,812] new=[92,575][600,812] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:25.671 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:25.671 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:25.671 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:25.678 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:25.954 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:25.954 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe86851e0, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:42:25.954 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc6148500 (u0) with handle 0xe674b6c0
[ 12-03 06:42:25.955 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3b6e84e[PopupWindow:3ed2313] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:25.962 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:42:26.672 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:26.745 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:26.758 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:26.758 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:26.758 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=c0.b@18d907c mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:26.758 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:26.763 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:26.765 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=125
[ 12-03 06:42:26.765 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=173
[ 12-03 06:42:26.766 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 16799 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:42:26.766 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:26.766 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:26.779 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:42:26.779 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@9f56967[PopupWindow:6613868] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{457314 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:26.805 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@9f56967[PopupWindow:6613868] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[151,269][211,341] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:26.808 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [60x72]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:26.808 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc81e6200, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:26.809 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@9f56967[PopupWindow:6613868] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[151,269][211,341] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:26.918 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:26.961 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3403927552} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:26.965 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:42:28.050 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:28.050 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc81e6200, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:42:28.051 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@9f56967[PopupWindow:6613868] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:28.066 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:42:30.212 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
The input has been finished in ImeInputStage.
[ 12-03 06:42:30.284 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
The input has been finished in ImeInputStage.
[ 12-03 06:42:30.308 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:30.344 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3403927552} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:30.349 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:42:30.796 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:30.840 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:31.510 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:31.564 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:31.595 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:42:31.595 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{e9b2329 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:31.613 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[92,710][600,947] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:31.615 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [636x365]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:31.615 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:31.633 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:42:31.635 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:31.646 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[92,710][600,947] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:31.664 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:31.664 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:31.664 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:32.234 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:32.288 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:32.289 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:32.369 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
Relayout returned: old=[92,710][600,947] new=[92,710][600,947] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:32.379 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.379 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.379 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:32.397 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.695 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:32.695 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:42:32.695 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@f9428b0[PopupWindow:8a8a12d] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.703 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:42:32.783 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme key 0
[ 12-03 06:42:32.822 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
ViewPostIme key 1
[ 12-03 06:42:32.835 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.856 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:42:32.873 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.874 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.875 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:32.875 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.887 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.887 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@304924e[DomainsActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.887 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:32.913 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:32.915 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:32.915 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:32.977 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.977 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.977 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:32.979 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:32.979 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:32.980 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:32.980 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:32.980 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:32.997 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:42:32.997 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=125
[ 12-03 06:42:33.306 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcae3d008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:33.306 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe674a3a0, 0xcae3d000
[ 12-03 06:42:33.320 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:33.321 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:33.323 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:33.332 16799:16799 I/am_on_destroy_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:33.335 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@df0f949[DomainsActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:33.342 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:42:33.584 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:42:35.759 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:35.951 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:36.237 16799:16809 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 86126(3MB) AllocSpace objects, 6(116KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 18MB/37MB, paused 580us total 256.407ms
[ 12-03 06:42:37.341 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:37.368 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:38.418 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:38.471 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:39.493 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:39.548 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:40.565 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:42:40.565 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:42:40.574 16799:16799 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:42:40.575 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@f6b0f08, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:42:40.575 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:42:40.601 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.611 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.679 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:42:40.679 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@79c585e[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:42:40.712 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3403927552} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:40.716 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:40.716 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe674a3a0, 0xcae3d008
[ 12-03 06:42:40.720 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:42:40.720 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:42:40.722 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.722 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@79c585e[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.722 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:42:40.728 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@79c585e[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.728 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:42:40.728 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:40.728 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:40.728 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:40.730 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=172
[ 12-03 06:42:40.730 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:42:40.731 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:40.771 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.771 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:40.771 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:41.380 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:41.443 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:41.472 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcae3d008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:41.472 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe674a3a0, 0xcae3d000
[ 12-03 06:42:41.472 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc61cef00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xe674b0b0
[ 12-03 06:42:41.472 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@232cd99[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:41.483 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:42:41.484 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:41.501 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:41.501 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:41.501 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:41.503 16799:16799 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:42:41.503 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:41.653 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=172
[ 12-03 06:42:41.953 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:41.953 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:42:41.961 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:41.966 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:41.970 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:41.987 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.275 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.275 16799:16799 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.276 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:42:47.277 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.278 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.279 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.280 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.314 16799:16809 I/rowser.standar ]
CollectorTransition concurrent copying GC freed 56051(2MB) AllocSpace objects, 4(76KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 17MB/34MB, paused 1.216ms total 371.054ms
[ 12-03 06:42:47.315 16799:16885 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.316 16799:16885 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.318 16799:16885 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(125) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.324 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:47.327 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.327 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:47.329 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:47.329 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:47.336 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.340 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:42:47.359 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.359 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.359 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.359 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:47.361 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:47.361 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:47.361 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.361 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:47.361 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:47.388 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:42:47.411 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.416 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:47.416 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:42:47.416 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:47.432 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:47.434 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:47.434 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:42:47.434 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:47.442 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.453 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:42:47.457 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:42:47.934 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:42:47.934 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:42:47.935 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:42:47.936 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:42:47.951 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:42:47.951 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:42:47.951 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:42:47.951 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:42:47.951 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:42:47.951 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:42:47.952 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:42:47.952 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:42:47.952 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:42:47.952 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:42:47.952 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:42:47.968 16799:16885 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:42:48.253 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:48.255 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:42:48.255 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:42:49.807 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:49.818 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:49.818 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:49.818 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:49.838 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:49.842 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:49.852 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:42:49.852 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:42:49.859 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:49.882 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:42:50.191 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:55.148 16799:16807 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:42:55.415 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:42:55.416 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:42:55.416 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:55.417 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:55.419 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:42:55.419 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:42:55.453 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:42:55.455 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:42:55.455 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:42:55.475 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:42:55.475 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:55.475 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:55.477 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:42:55.477 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:42:55.477 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:42:55.477 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:42:55.477 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:42:55.488 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:42:56.765 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:56.790 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:57.679 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:57.822 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:58.077 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:58.556 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:58.858 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:58.934 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:59.811 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:42:59.866 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:42:59.964 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:00.066 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:00.640 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:00.762 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:00.954 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:01.038 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:01.220 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:01.305 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:03.196 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:03.311 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:05.765 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:05.800 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:05.804 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:07.497 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:07.743 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:08.879 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:08.933 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:08.966 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:08.980 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.000 16799:16799 W/ActivityThread ]
handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@68c0453
[ 12-03 06:43:09.014 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@c343ec0, isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
[ 12-03 06:43:09.014 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:43:09.339 16799:16809 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 24512(1195KB) AllocSpace objects, 15(2MB) LOS objects, 47% free, 26MB/50MB, paused 274us total 210.524ms
[ 12-03 06:43:09.394 16799:16799 I/am_on_create_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.396 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.397 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.403 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:43:09.404 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@a5750aa[LogcatActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:43:09.407 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.407 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.407 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:09.488 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:09.491 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:43:09.491 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe6748ae0, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:43:09.666 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:09.667 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.667 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a5750aa[LogcatActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.667 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:09.668 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a5750aa[LogcatActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.668 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:09.668 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:43:09.668 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:09.668 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:43:09.670 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:43:09.670 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:43:09.887 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:43:09.887 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc7294140, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:43:09.896 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:09.899 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:43:09.900 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:09.915 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:43:11.102 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:11.107 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a5750aa[LogcatActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:11.107 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:11.107 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:43:11.108 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:11.108 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:43:11.109 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=166
[ 12-03 06:43:11.109 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:43:11.214 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:11.539 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:11.596 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:11.921 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:11.997 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:12.635 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:13.206 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:13.464 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:13.567 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:13.759 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:13.872 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:14.149 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:14.252 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:14.523 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:14.604 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:14.892 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:14.966 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:15.255 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:15.329 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:15.637 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:15.700 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:16.026 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:16.100 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:16.451 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:16.519 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:17.511 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:17.615 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:18.087 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:18.185 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:20.512 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:21.090 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:22.943 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:24.427 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:24.696 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:25.333 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:25.620 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:26.448 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:26.686 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:26.753 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:27.296 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:27.332 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:27.360 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.422 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:43:27.427 16799:16799 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.428 16799:16799 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.429 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:43:27.429 16799:16799 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.430 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.430 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a5750aa[LogcatActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.431 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:27.454 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3439042560} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:27.458 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:43:27.458 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc7294140, 0xccfba008
[ 12-03 06:43:27.525 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.526 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.526 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:27.528 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.528 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:27.528 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:43:27.528 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:27.528 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:43:27.546 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=179
[ 12-03 06:43:27.546 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=166
[ 12-03 06:43:27.847 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:43:27.847 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe6748ae0, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:43:27.862 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:27.863 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:43:27.864 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.865 16799:16799 I/am_on_destroy_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.871 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@ed08795[LogcatActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:27.877 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:43:29.356 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:29.400 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:29.463 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:43:29.463 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{10062ac V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:43:29.497 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:29.501 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [520x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:43:29.501 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe6748ae0, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:43:29.558 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:43:29.561 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:29.583 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[320,56][712,920] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:29.593 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:29.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:29.593 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:30.118 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:30.162 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:30.162 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:30.227 16799:16799 I/menu_item_selected ]
[ 12-03 06:43:30.228 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:30.248 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
Relayout returned: old=[320,56][712,920] new=[320,56][712,920] result=0x1 surface={true 3438952448} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:43:30.271 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:30.271 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:30.272 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:30.276 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:30.575 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:43:30.575 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe6748ae0, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:43:30.575 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@27e785f[PopupWindow:87bde80] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:30.581 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:43:31.280 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:31.315 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:31.334 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:43:31.335 16799:16799 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:43:31.338 16799:16799 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:43:31.339 16799:16799 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@7d3aef5, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:43:31.339 16799:16799 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:43:31.353 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.359 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.414 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:43:31.414 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:43:31.467 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,233][702,1095] result=0x7 surface={true 3438952448} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:31.473 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x990]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:43:31.473 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe6748ae0, 0xccfa4008
[ 12-03 06:43:31.479 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:43:31.480 16799:16799 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:43:31.489 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.489 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.489 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:43:31.496 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.496 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:43:31.496 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:43:31.496 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:31.496 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:43:31.499 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:43:31.499 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=179
[ 12-03 06:43:31.545 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,233][702,1095] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:31.579 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.579 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:31.579 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:33.902 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:33.975 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:33.986 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:33.986 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:43:33.986 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=c0.b@4a350d3 mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:43:33.986 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:33.991 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:43:33.993 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:43:33.993 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:43:33.994 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 16799 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:43:33.994 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:33.994 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:43:34.112 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:34.113 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,48][702,910] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,84] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:34.128 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:34.128 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:43:34.128 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:34.140 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3439042560} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:43:34.143 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:34.143 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:43:34.143 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:34.155 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:43:34.162 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:43:35.435 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:35.527 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:35.834 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:35.918 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:36.168 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:36.260 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:36.463 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:36.584 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:36.806 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:36.918 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:37.121 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:37.231 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:37.444 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:37.536 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:37.759 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:37.860 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:38.073 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:38.193 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:38.425 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:38.538 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:38.739 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:38.831 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:39.054 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:39.165 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:39.378 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:39.489 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:39.710 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:39.832 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:40.063 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:40.174 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:40.387 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:40.508 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:40.711 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:40.823 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:41.016 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:41.118 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:41.120 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 16799 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:43:41.120 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:41.120 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:43:41.136 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=149
[ 12-03 06:43:41.136 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bff8893[PopupWindow:dbb4264] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{c1c20d0 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:43:41.160 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bff8893[PopupWindow:dbb4264] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[531,582][591,654] result=0x7 surface={true 3368519680} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:41.162 16799:16865 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [60x72]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:43:41.162 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcbd18360, 0xc8c78808
[ 12-03 06:43:41.170 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bff8893[PopupWindow:dbb4264] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[531,582][591,654] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:41.635 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:41.660 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:41.662 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 16799 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:43:41.662 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@467ec77[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:41.662 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:43:41.687 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bff8893[PopupWindow:dbb4264] ]
Relayout returned: old=[531,582][591,654] new=[266,582][326,654] result=0x1 surface={true 3368519680} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:43:43.049 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8c78808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:43:43.049 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcbd18360, 0xc8c78800
[ 12-03 06:43:43.049 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@bff8893[PopupWindow:dbb4264] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:43.062 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=149
[ 12-03 06:43:44.256 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
The input has been finished in ImeInputStage.
[ 12-03 06:43:44.331 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
The input has been finished in ImeInputStage.
[ 12-03 06:43:44.363 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:44.363 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,233][702,1095] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:43:44.373 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:44.373 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:43:44.373 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:44.380 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3439042560} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:43:44.382 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:44.382 16799:16799 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:43:44.382 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:43:44.392 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:43:44.405 16799:16799 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:43:44.410 16799:16799 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:43:44.949 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:45.012 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:45.060 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfa4008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:43:45.060 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe6748ae0, 0xccfa4000
[ 12-03 06:43:45.060 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc72d4880 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xc74d1b60
[ 12-03 06:43:45.060 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@3882e76[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:45.072 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=151
[ 12-03 06:43:45.140 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:45.140 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:45.140 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:45.142 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:45.142 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:45.142 16799:16799 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:43:45.142 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:43:45.142 16799:16799 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:43:45.144 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:43:45.145 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=156
[ 12-03 06:43:45.145 16799:16799 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:43:46.588 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:46.602 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:46.671 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:46.672 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:48.006 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:48.059 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:48.060 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:49.053 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:49.083 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:49.132 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:49.718 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:49.812 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:50.071 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:50.089 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:50.168 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:51.205 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:51.269 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:51.281 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:52.043 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:52.097 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:52.098 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:52.785 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:52.822 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:52.872 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:53.147 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:53.211 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:53.225 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:54.680 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:54.734 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:54.735 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:55.623 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:43:55.655 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 16799
[ 12-03 06:43:55.718 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:43:56.359 16799:16799 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:56.371 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:43:56.371 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@a2f7eda[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:43:56.371 16799:16799 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:43:56.380 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:43:56.390 16799:16799 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:43:56.400 16799:16865 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccfba008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:43:56.400 16799:16865 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc7294140, 0xccfba000
[ 12-03 06:43:56.408 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:43:56.447 16799:16799 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=158
[ 12-03 06:43:56.792 16799:16799 D/ViewRootImpl@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:02.036 17839:17839 E/rowser.standar ]
Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.108 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Accessing hidden method Landroid/view/View;->setTransitionVisibility(I)V (dark greylist, linking)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.143 17839:17839 W/ActivityThread ]
handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@f4bd4e1
[ 12-03 06:44:02.170 17839:17839 D/AppCompatDelegate ]
Checking for metadata for AppLocalesMetadataHolderService : Service not found
[ 12-03 06:44:02.208 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Unknown chunk type '200'.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.218 17839:17839 I/WebViewFactory ]
Loading com.google.android.webview version 130.0.6723.58 (code 672305800)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.219 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Unknown chunk type '200'.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<WV.CH>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/PacProcessor;
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.PacProcessor" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:134)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.295 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.296 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<WV.CH>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/PacProcessor;
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.PacProcessor" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:134)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.297 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.298 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.298 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.298 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.298 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<WV.CH>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/PacProcessor;
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.PacProcessor" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:134)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.303 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<WV.CH>: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed resolution of: Landroid/webkit/PacProcessor;
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.304 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: Didn't find class "android.webkit.PacProcessor" on path: DexPathList[[zip file "/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/lib/arm, /data/app/com.google.android.webview-YVQo65Hv-0M7BCFJHH1N2A==/base.apk!/lib/armeabi-v7a, /system/lib, /system/vendor/lib]]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class dalvik.system.BaseDexClassLoader.findClass(java.lang.String) (BaseDexClassLoader.java:134)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String, boolean) (ClassLoader.java:379)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(java.lang.String) (ClassLoader.java:312)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.classForName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class java.lang.Class.forName(java.lang.String, boolean, java.lang.ClassLoader) (Class.java:453)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getWebViewProviderClass(java.lang.ClassLoader) (WebViewFactory.java:176)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Class android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProviderClass() (WebViewFactory.java:459)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebViewFactory.getProvider() (WebViewFactory.java:251)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.webkit.WebViewFactoryProvider android.webkit.WebView.getFactory() (WebView.java:2681)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.webkit.WebView.enableSlowWholeDocumentDraw() (WebView.java:1888)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.stoutner.privacybrowser.activities.MainWebViewActivity.onCreate(android.os.Bundle) (SourceFile:-1)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle, android.os.PersistableBundle) (Activity.java:7335)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Activity.performCreate(android.os.Bundle) (Activity.java:7326)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.Instrumentation.callActivityOnCreate(android.app.Activity, android.os.Bundle) (Instrumentation.java:1275)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.performLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3119)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at android.app.Activity android.app.ActivityThread.handleLaunchActivity(android.app.ActivityThread$ActivityClientRecord, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions, android.content.Intent) (ActivityThread.java:3282)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem.execute(android.app.ClientTransactionHandler, android.os.IBinder, android.app.servertransaction.PendingTransactionActions) (LaunchActivityItem.java:78)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.executeCallbacks(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:108)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.servertransaction.TransactionExecutor.execute(android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction) (TransactionExecutor.java:68)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread$H.handleMessage(android.os.Message) (ActivityThread.java:1970)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(android.os.Message) (Handler.java:106)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.os.Looper.loop() (Looper.java:214)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void android.app.ActivityThread.main(java.lang.String[]) (ActivityThread.java:7156)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at java.lang.Object java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object[]) (Method.java:-2)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.RuntimeInit$MethodAndArgsCaller.run() (RuntimeInit.java:494)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
at void com.android.internal.os.ZygoteInit.main(java.lang.String[]) (ZygoteInit.java:975)
[ 12-03 06:44:02.305 17839:17839 I/rowser.standar ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.328 17839:17839 I/cr_WVCFactoryProvider ]
version=130.0.6723.58 (672305800) minSdkVersion=26 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2
[ 12-03 06:44:02.357 17839:17839 I/cr_LibraryLoader ]
Successfully loaded native library
[ 12-03 06:44:02.359 17839:17839 I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder ]
Flushed 5 samples from 5 histograms, 0 samples were dropped.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.365 17839:17839 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
#registerProvider() provider:WV.R8@5bd0e33 isPolicyCacheEnabled:false policyProvidersSize:0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.367 17839:17839 I/cr_PolicyProvider ]
#setManagerAndSource() 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.392 17839:17839 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
#linkNativeInternal() 1
[ 12-03 06:44:02.393 17839:17839 I/cr_AppResProvider ]
#getApplicationRestrictionsFromUserManager() Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.393 17839:17839 I/cr_PolicyProvider ]
#notifySettingsAvailable() 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.393 17839:17839 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
#onSettingsAvailable() 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.393 17839:17839 I/cr_CombinedPProvider ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.463 17839:17881 W/chromium ]
[WARNING:dns_config_service_android.cc(81)] Failed to read DnsConfig.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.508 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@d0e2577, isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
[ 12-03 06:44:02.509 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.547 17839:17839 W/TabLayout ]
MODE_SCROLLABLE + GRAVITY_FILL is not supported, GRAVITY_START will be used instead
[ 12-03 06:44:02.596 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Unknown chunk type '200'.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.660 17839:17839 I/am_on_create_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.663 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.664 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.665 17839:17839 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
Skia GL Pipeline
[ 12-03 06:44:02.667 17839:17839 D/EmergencyMode ]
[EmergencyManager] android createPackageContext successful
[ 12-03 06:44:02.681 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=108
[ 12-03 06:44:02.681 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:02.688 17839:17839 I/Choreographer ]
Skipped 32 frames! The application may be doing too much work on its main thread.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.727 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:02.733 17839:17904 I/ConfigStore ]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasWideColorDisplay retrieved: 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.734 17839:17904 I/ConfigStore ]
android::hardware::configstore::V1_0::ISurfaceFlingerConfigs::hasHDRDisplay retrieved: 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.734 17839:17904 I/OpenGLRenderer ]
Initialized EGL, version 1.4
[ 12-03 06:44:02.734 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
Swap behavior 2
[ 12-03 06:44:02.747 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:02.747 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe65eb2c0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:44:02.776 17839:17904 D/vndksupport ]
Loading /vendor/lib/hw/android.hardware.graphics.mapper@2.0-impl.so from current namespace instead of sphal namespace.
[ 12-03 06:44:02.800 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:02.801 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.801 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.801 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:02.807 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.807 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:02.807 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:02.807 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:02.807 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:02.813 17839:17887 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:44:02.818 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:02.818 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:02.818 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:02.818 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:04.068 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:04.135 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.167 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.173 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:04.194 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 17839
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=43, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=620.200073, segmentPoints[0]=[-197.600006,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-197.600006, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=43, lengths[42]=620.200073, totalLength=620.200073, segmentPoints[42]=[422.600037,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[126]=1.000000, approximation[127]=422.600037, approximation[128]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=4, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=3.448155, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,0.100000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=0.100000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=4, lengths[3]=3.448155, totalLength=3.448155, segmentPoints[3]=[3.000000,0.100000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[9]=1.000000, approximation[10]=3.000000, approximation[11]=0.100000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=38, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=722.199951, segmentPoints[0]=[-522.599976,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-522.599976, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=38, lengths[37]=722.199951, totalLength=722.199951, segmentPoints[37]=[199.600006,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[111]=1.000000, approximation[112]=199.600006, approximation[113]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.212 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=3, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=2.472497, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,0.100000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.212 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=0.100000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.212 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=3, lengths[2]=2.472497, totalLength=2.472497, segmentPoints[2]=[2.000000,0.100000]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.212 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[6]=1.000000, approximation[7]=2.000000, approximation[8]=0.100000
[ 12-03 06:44:04.243 17839:17891 W/cr_media ]
getBluetoothAdapter() requires BLUETOOTH permission
[ 12-03 06:44:04.243 17839:17891 W/cr_media ]
registerBluetoothIntentsIfNeeded: Requires BLUETOOTH permission
[ 12-03 06:44:04.272 17839:17839 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.RelativeLayout{f7aa00a V.E...... ......ID 68,0-351,89 #7f090352 app:id/url_relativelayout} during layout: running second layout pass
[ 12-03 06:44:04.272 17839:17839 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.appcompat.view.menu.ActionMenuItemView{5b5607b VFED..C.. ......ID 0,6-99,105 #7f0901b0 app:id/javascript} during layout: running second layout pass
[ 12-03 06:44:04.272 17839:17839 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.appcompat.view.menu.ActionMenuItemView{bc1be98 VFED..C.. ......ID 99,6-257,105 #7f09026d app:id/refresh} during layout: running second layout pass
[ 12-03 06:44:04.272 17839:17839 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionMenuView{b20a6f1 V.E...... ......ID 383,0-720,112} during layout: running second layout pass
[ 12-03 06:44:04.338 17839:17927 W/chromium ]
[WARNING:viz_main_impl.cc(85)] VizNullHypothesis is disabled (not a warning)
[ 12-03 06:44:04.349 17839:17849 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 616732(32MB) AllocSpace objects, 30(572KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 15MB/30MB, paused 248us total 315.679ms
[ 12-03 06:44:04.363 17839:17896 W/AudioCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime audio/x-ima
[ 12-03 06:44:04.383 17839:17896 W/AudioCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.397 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 17839 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:44:04.398 17839:17896 W/AudioCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime audio/mpeg-L2
[ 12-03 06:44:04.400 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.400 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:04.401 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=c0.b@934bdc5 mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:04.401 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:04.403 17839:17896 W/AudioCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime audio/x-ms-wma
[ 12-03 06:44:04.407 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:04.408 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=57
[ 12-03 06:44:04.409 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=127
[ 12-03 06:44:04.409 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:04.409 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:04.465 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile 4 for video/hevc
[ 12-03 06:44:04.470 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime video/mp43
[ 12-03 06:44:04.476 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile/level 1/32 for video/mp4v-es
[ 12-03 06:44:04.476 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile/level 32768/2 for video/mp4v-es
[ 12-03 06:44:04.476 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile/level 32768/64 for video/mp4v-es
[ 12-03 06:44:04.478 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime video/wvc1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.480 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime video/wvc1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.495 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv7
[ 12-03 06:44:04.497 17839:17896 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unsupported mime video/x-ms-wmv8
[ 12-03 06:44:04.509 17839:17896 I/VideoCapabilities ]
Unsupported profile 4 for video/mp4v-es
[ 12-03 06:44:04.589 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.600 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:04.608 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:04.613 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:05.914 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:05.997 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.054 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=55
[ 12-03 06:44:06.054 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{fd07f26 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:06.088 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[320,48][712,826] result=0x7 surface={true 3439491072} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:06.093 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [520x906]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.093 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50e580, 0xcd027808
[ 12-03 06:44:06.140 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:06.146 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.173 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[320,48][712,826] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.182 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.182 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.182 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:06.552 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:06.616 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.616 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:06.685 17839:17839 I/menu_item_selected ]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.686 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 17839
[ 12-03 06:44:06.711 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
Relayout returned: old=[320,48][712,826] new=[320,48][712,826] result=0x1 surface={true 3439491072} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:06.747 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.748 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.748 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.748 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:06.750 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.750 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:06.750 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:06.750 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:06.750 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:06.753 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=144
[ 12-03 06:44:06.753 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=57
[ 12-03 06:44:06.753 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:06.785 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:06.799 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.814 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:06.819 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:07.042 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd027808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:07.042 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50e580, 0xcd027800
[ 12-03 06:44:07.042 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc91c8600 (K0) with handle 0xc91c3de0
[ 12-03 06:44:07.042 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4e7b281[PopupWindow:995475a] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:07.050 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=55
[ 12-03 06:44:07.313 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:07.342 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
reportScrollStateChange() newState : 1
[ 12-03 06:44:07.364 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:07.397 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:07.397 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 3
[ 12-03 06:44:07.397 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL initialVelocity : -12716
[ 12-03 06:44:07.397 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
reportScrollStateChange() newState : 2
[ 12-03 06:44:07.881 17839:17948 D/ProfileInstaller ]
Skipping profile installation for com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:44:07.905 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:07.989 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:07.989 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 3
[ 12-03 06:44:07.989 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() TOUCH_MODE_SCROLL initialVelocity : -11924
[ 12-03 06:44:08.448 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
reportScrollStateChange() newState : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:08.809 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:08.853 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:08.854 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
onTouchUp() mTouchMode : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:08.953 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 17839
[ 12-03 06:44:09.913 17839:17881 D/NetworkSecurityConfig ]
Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
[ 12-03 06:44:09.933 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:09.933 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:09.934 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:09.934 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:09.934 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:09.934 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:09.935 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:09.940 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:09.941 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:09.941 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:09.941 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:09.977 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:09.977 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:09.978 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:09.978 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:09.978 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:09.979 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:09.979 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:09.979 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:09.980 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:09.980 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:09.980 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:10.009 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:10.012 17839:17881 I/cr_X509Util ]
Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
[ 12-03 06:44:10.025 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:10.025 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:10.025 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:10.025 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:10.025 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:10.026 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:10.026 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:10.026 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:10.026 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:10.026 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:10.026 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:10.047 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:10.048 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:10.048 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:10.048 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:10.048 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:10.049 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:10.049 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:10.049 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:10.049 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:10.049 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:10.049 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 7cc924328e60e269f57ede1de31476907cd8a43ba4842d5760fc1f49937703d9c405a76374a64c1fb8ae4b5bc5f2e49c836ebfdf40d13de9f67c546cafaeb6102c94091e0e7de8a218d76842f71eb0cf57a5ec371cb40fe2a1e0facefbe2134bbc6443e1a2922b016a2ccadca82c3ab4401f5fdf6d156b03e23cdb0ba93cb6348bcc49747d35257e425a5a9bcb564a60f5eb7cb43f1de756f298283927a27ac1c5e99ac4869e4b01a1b69cd7e9d79a007b8d00bd79d53c678d45168f3b055de40adad65ac76441abce6ccb1750f97f00ef32fe33ae016cf4c32bcf9caa26fa8e96e2f28363affa5cfca935d79b389ea68f26882e9d2aba842f863c7cec1cc4361e6ce7b0083b2206a52d2c0c40a15433f32c47d1b07d8527cfd6e70a05d27bec053a9f6120aa6e541b1de0c3b428fb3257fc25fa9a32ea9c6c4e2b312c9f787c827594309dcfebf6e8e7b61ebdd40261c7261e08cd3899eb4921eedc07a7787459be3dde5eaef638c77dabd2e435434b29cb556336a5098eeb2c62e5cdc8c9851d2b8b410e8fade3e61f995c48c42960accfa03fd188d543fcf2b43b7bee3b9be1de8ee829bd457f3a1a9c3b05153af0d1a2ce7515bfb662cf5953559406fc69df81f34609b0be075d89d01bcc180056fc2e1c120f24fdbfe0b50b595c20713b9c4d00029f49487c4362c99af698b88343e18370603a6d9eb93473c3b4744b35
[ 12-03 06:44:10.065 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:10.065 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain2 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:10.065 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:10.065 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:10.065 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 45e6bb038333c3856548e6ff4551
[ 12-03 06:44:10.066 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:10.066 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:10.066 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Dec 10 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2014
[ 12-03 06:44:10.066 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Dec 10 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2034
[ 12-03 06:44:10.066 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA384withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:10.066 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:10.105 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 02 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 02 0f 00 30 82 02 0a 02 82 02 01 00 95 07 e8 73 ca 66 f9
ec 14 ca 7b 3c f7 0d 08 f1 b4 45 0b 2c 82 b4 48 c6 eb 5b 3c
ae 83 b8 41 92 33 14 a4 6f 7f e9 2a cc c6 b0 88 6b c5 b6 89
d1 c6 b2 ff 14 ce 51 14 21 ec 4a dd 1b 5a c6 d6 87 ee 4d 3a
15 06 ed 64 66 0b 92 80 ca 44 de 73 94 4e f3 a7 89 7f 4f 78
63 08 c8 12 50 6d 42 66 2f 4d b9 79 28 4d 52 1a 8a 1a 80 b7
19 81 0e 7e c4 8a bc 64 4c 21 1c 43 68 d7 3d 3c 8a c5 b2 66
d5 90 9a b7 31 06 c5 be e2 6d 32 06 a6 1e f9 b9 eb aa a3 b8
bf be 82 63 50 d0 f0 18 89 df e4 0f 79 f5 ea a2 1f 2a d2 70
2e 7b e7 bc 93 bb 6d 53 e2 48 7c 8c 10 07 38 ff 66 b2 77 61
7e e0 ea 8c 3c aa b4 a4 f6 f3 95 4a 12 07 6d fd 8c b2 89 cf
d0 a0 61 77 c8 58 74 b0 d4 23 3a f7 5d 3a ca a2 db 9d 09 de
5d 44 2d 90 f1 81 cd 57 92 fa 7e bc 50 04 63 34 df 6b 93 18
be 6b 36 b2 39 e4 ac 24 36 b7 f0 ef b6 1c 13 57 93 b6 de b2
f8 e2 85 b7 73 a2 b8 35 aa 45 f2 e0 9d 36 a1 6f 54 8a f1 72
56 6e 2e 88 c5 51 42 44 15 94 ee a3 c5 38 96 9b 4e 4e 5a 0b
47 f3 06 36 49 77 30 bc 71 37 e5 a6 ec 21 08 75 fc e6 61 16
3f 77 d5 d9 91 97 84 0a 6c d4 02 4d 74 c0 14 ed fd 39 fb 83
f2 5e 14 a1 04 b0 0b e9 fe ee 8f e1 6e 0b b2 08 b3 61 66 09
6a b1 06 3a 65 96 59 c0 f0 35 fd c9 da 28 8d 1a 11 87 70 81
0a a8 9a 75 1d 9e 3a 86 05 00 9e db 80 d6 25 f9 dc 05 9e 27
59 4c 76 39 5b ea f9 a5 a1 d8 83 0f d1 ff df 30 11 f9 85 cf
33 48 f5 ca 6d 64 14 2c 7a 58 4f d3 4b 08 49 c5 95 64 1a 63
0e 79 3d f5 b3 8c ca 58 ad 9c 42 45 79 6e 0e 87 19 5c 54 b1
65 b6 bf 8c 9b dc 13 e9 0d 6f b8 2e dc 67 6e c9 8b 11 b5 84
14 8a 00 19 70 83 79 91 97 91 d4 1a 27 bf 37 1e 32 07 d8 14
63 3c 28 4c af 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:10.106 17839:17881 I/cr_X509Util ]
Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
[ 12-03 06:44:10.107 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:10.116 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:10.116 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:10.120 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:10.120 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@1bbfc6e, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:10.120 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:10.139 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:10.147 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:10.178 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=57
[ 12-03 06:44:10.178 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@30ce0b8[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:10.210 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,138][702,1190] result=0x7 surface={true 3356860416} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:10.213 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x1180]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:10.213 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc84eaf20, 0xc815a008
[ 12-03 06:44:10.218 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:10.218 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:10.220 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:10.236 17839:17904 I/ ]
Increase max job count 40
[ 12-03 06:44:10.269 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,138][702,1190] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:10.289 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:10.298 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:10.298 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:10.298 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:10.345 17839:17849 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 134655(14MB) AllocSpace objects, 13(240KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 19MB/38MB, paused 281us total 257.580ms
[ 12-03 06:44:11.536 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:11.590 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:11.621 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc815a008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:11.621 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc84eaf20, 0xc815a000
[ 12-03 06:44:11.621 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc7ae0f80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xee4df140
[ 12-03 06:44:11.621 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@7cd371b[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:11.632 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=57
[ 12-03 06:44:11.635 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:11.636 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:11.636 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:11.652 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:13.725 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 17839
[ 12-03 06:44:14.911 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:14.911 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:14.912 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:14.912 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:14.912 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:14.912 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:14.912 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:14.912 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:14.913 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:14.913 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:14.913 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:14.937 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:14.937 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:14.937 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:14.937 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:14.937 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:14.937 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:14.938 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:14.938 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:14.938 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:14.938 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:14.938 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:14.959 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:14.960 17839:17881 I/cr_X509Util ]
Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
[ 12-03 06:44:14.972 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:14.972 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:14.972 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:14.972 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:14.972 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:14.972 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:14.973 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:14.973 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:14.973 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:14.973 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:14.973 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:14.988 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:14.988 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:14.988 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:14.988 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:14.988 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:14.989 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:14.989 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:14.989 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:14.989 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:14.989 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:14.989 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain2 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 45e6bb038333c3856548e6ff4551
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:15.004 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:15.005 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Dec 10 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2014
[ 12-03 06:44:15.005 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Dec 10 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2034
[ 12-03 06:44:15.005 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA384withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:15.005 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.036 17839:17881 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 02 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 02 0f 00 30 82 02 0a 02 82 02 01 00 95 07 e8 73 ca 66 f9
ec 14 ca 7b 3c f7 0d 08 f1 b4 45 0b 2c 82 b4 48 c6 eb 5b 3c
ae 83 b8 41 92 33 14 a4 6f 7f e9 2a cc c6 b0 88 6b c5 b6 89
d1 c6 b2 ff 14 ce 51 14 21 ec 4a dd 1b 5a c6 d6 87 ee 4d 3a
15 06 ed 64 66 0b 92 80 ca 44 de 73 94 4e f3 a7 89 7f 4f 78
63 08 c8 12 50 6d 42 66 2f 4d b9 79 28 4d 52 1a 8a 1a 80 b7
19 81 0e 7e c4 8a bc 64 4c 21 1c 43 68 d7 3d 3c 8a c5 b2 66
d5 90 9a b7 31 06 c5 be e2 6d 32 06 a6 1e f9 b9 eb aa a3 b8
bf be 82 63 50 d0 f0 18 89 df e4 0f 79 f5 ea a2 1f 2a d2 70
2e 7b e7 bc 93 bb 6d 53 e2 48 7c 8c 10 07 38 ff 66 b2 77 61
7e e0 ea 8c 3c aa b4 a4 f6 f3 95 4a 12 07 6d fd 8c b2 89 cf
d0 a0 61 77 c8 58 74 b0 d4 23 3a f7 5d 3a ca a2 db 9d 09 de
5d 44 2d 90 f1 81 cd 57 92 fa 7e bc 50 04 63 34 df 6b 93 18
be 6b 36 b2 39 e4 ac 24 36 b7 f0 ef b6 1c 13 57 93 b6 de b2
f8 e2 85 b7 73 a2 b8 35 aa 45 f2 e0 9d 36 a1 6f 54 8a f1 72
56 6e 2e 88 c5 51 42 44 15 94 ee a3 c5 38 96 9b 4e 4e 5a 0b
47 f3 06 36 49 77 30 bc 71 37 e5 a6 ec 21 08 75 fc e6 61 16
3f 77 d5 d9 91 97 84 0a 6c d4 02 4d 74 c0 14 ed fd 39 fb 83
f2 5e 14 a1 04 b0 0b e9 fe ee 8f e1 6e 0b b2 08 b3 61 66 09
6a b1 06 3a 65 96 59 c0 f0 35 fd c9 da 28 8d 1a 11 87 70 81
0a a8 9a 75 1d 9e 3a 86 05 00 9e db 80 d6 25 f9 dc 05 9e 27
59 4c 76 39 5b ea f9 a5 a1 d8 83 0f d1 ff df 30 11 f9 85 cf
33 48 f5 ca 6d 64 14 2c 7a 58 4f d3 4b 08 49 c5 95 64 1a 63
0e 79 3d f5 b3 8c ca 58 ad 9c 42 45 79 6e 0e 87 19 5c 54 b1
65 b6 bf 8c 9b dc 13 e9 0d 6f b8 2e dc 67 6e c9 8b 11 b5 84
14 8a 00 19 70 83 79 91 97 91 d4 1a 27 bf 37 1e 32 07 d8 14
63 3c 28 4c af 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.037 17839:17881 I/cr_X509Util ]
Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
[ 12-03 06:44:15.038 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:15.039 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 41604141f862f3e1f3a1157eb08dbf6f01a0fd375f7d4b3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 4b5d15f8b46d92f8df1930c
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.org
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Tue Oct 15 22:42:52 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:15.041 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Nov 16 22:42:51 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:15.042 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:15.042 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.056 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 9e 73 a5 9f c5 a2 c2
ff 9c 3e 26 e6 aa 7b 61 8b 1c cb 10 9a 55 ce f8 4e bc 13 ab
96 7d 14 e5 00 74 97 81 9e 41 7e 8c b7 9f 48 4f 8c c4 4f 3d
1a c7 17 a5 f3 cc 6e d6 96 a2 8a 2f 12 6b 1d 40 13 26 a5 e0
6f 0e 0b e6 1f f8 5e 66 11 5f fd f7 5a ea fc 76 d3 c8 a0 15
56 40 34 0a 95 eb c8 30 dd db c3 9d aa 89 29 6b 39 57 16 e8
43 14 fc 05 aa 71 1f ae 93 b5 a6 ac f3 ec 68 ca 08 38 e9 dd
dd 57 b8 51 36 56 33 71 5b 3e e5 fe ab a6 ad 85 95 12 27 32
1d 9e 56 9d cb f4 30 96 c2 21 0b 7e 37 1b d3 a7 c5 ca 91 38
12 59 44 79 66 ed 47 94 9c bb dc ad 86 1b ad b7 cc 84 64 07
52 c1 66 a0 58 31 d7 fb b7 68 6f ea af 99 e7 77 67 b0 69 e1
32 e5 d3 b9 17 9b 4b ab ea a9 05 ef ea e7 67 8d d4 e7 63 43
ea 80 c9 2c 1c ef e1 49 08 a0 e9 62 7a e3 f6 8e 86 9b 02 ec
80 01 b0 c7 af 72 73 a0 df 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.056 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.056 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.056 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:15.057 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.073 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.074 17839:17882 I/cr_X509Util ]
Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
[ 12-03 06:44:15.084 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.084 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 41604141f862f3e1f3a1157eb08dbf6f01a0fd375f7d4b3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 4b5d15f8b46d92f8df1930c
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.org
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Tue Oct 15 22:42:52 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Nov 16 22:42:51 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:15.087 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:15.088 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.088 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@852cbad, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.088 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.100 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.104 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 9e 73 a5 9f c5 a2 c2
ff 9c 3e 26 e6 aa 7b 61 8b 1c cb 10 9a 55 ce f8 4e bc 13 ab
96 7d 14 e5 00 74 97 81 9e 41 7e 8c b7 9f 48 4f 8c c4 4f 3d
1a c7 17 a5 f3 cc 6e d6 96 a2 8a 2f 12 6b 1d 40 13 26 a5 e0
6f 0e 0b e6 1f f8 5e 66 11 5f fd f7 5a ea fc 76 d3 c8 a0 15
56 40 34 0a 95 eb c8 30 dd db c3 9d aa 89 29 6b 39 57 16 e8
43 14 fc 05 aa 71 1f ae 93 b5 a6 ac f3 ec 68 ca 08 38 e9 dd
dd 57 b8 51 36 56 33 71 5b 3e e5 fe ab a6 ad 85 95 12 27 32
1d 9e 56 9d cb f4 30 96 c2 21 0b 7e 37 1b d3 a7 c5 ca 91 38
12 59 44 79 66 ed 47 94 9c bb dc ad 86 1b ad b7 cc 84 64 07
52 c1 66 a0 58 31 d7 fb b7 68 6f ea af 99 e7 77 67 b0 69 e1
32 e5 d3 b9 17 9b 4b ab ea a9 05 ef ea e7 67 8d d4 e7 63 43
ea 80 c9 2c 1c ef e1 49 08 a0 e9 62 7a e3 f6 8e 86 9b 02 ec
80 01 b0 c7 af 72 73 a0 df 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.104 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.104 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:15.105 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:15.106 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.107 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.122 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.122 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain2 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:15.122 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.122 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.122 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 45e6bb038333c3856548e6ff4551
[ 12-03 06:44:15.122 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:15.123 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:15.123 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Dec 10 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2014
[ 12-03 06:44:15.123 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Dec 10 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2034
[ 12-03 06:44:15.123 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA384withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:15.123 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:15.134 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=157
[ 12-03 06:44:15.135 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@3b9f2f4[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.138 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.138 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.142 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:15.142 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@73a0124, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.142 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.155 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.161 17839:17882 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 02 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 02 0f 00 30 82 02 0a 02 82 02 01 00 95 07 e8 73 ca 66 f9
ec 14 ca 7b 3c f7 0d 08 f1 b4 45 0b 2c 82 b4 48 c6 eb 5b 3c
ae 83 b8 41 92 33 14 a4 6f 7f e9 2a cc c6 b0 88 6b c5 b6 89
d1 c6 b2 ff 14 ce 51 14 21 ec 4a dd 1b 5a c6 d6 87 ee 4d 3a
15 06 ed 64 66 0b 92 80 ca 44 de 73 94 4e f3 a7 89 7f 4f 78
63 08 c8 12 50 6d 42 66 2f 4d b9 79 28 4d 52 1a 8a 1a 80 b7
19 81 0e 7e c4 8a bc 64 4c 21 1c 43 68 d7 3d 3c 8a c5 b2 66
d5 90 9a b7 31 06 c5 be e2 6d 32 06 a6 1e f9 b9 eb aa a3 b8
bf be 82 63 50 d0 f0 18 89 df e4 0f 79 f5 ea a2 1f 2a d2 70
2e 7b e7 bc 93 bb 6d 53 e2 48 7c 8c 10 07 38 ff 66 b2 77 61
7e e0 ea 8c 3c aa b4 a4 f6 f3 95 4a 12 07 6d fd 8c b2 89 cf
d0 a0 61 77 c8 58 74 b0 d4 23 3a f7 5d 3a ca a2 db 9d 09 de
5d 44 2d 90 f1 81 cd 57 92 fa 7e bc 50 04 63 34 df 6b 93 18
be 6b 36 b2 39 e4 ac 24 36 b7 f0 ef b6 1c 13 57 93 b6 de b2
f8 e2 85 b7 73 a2 b8 35 aa 45 f2 e0 9d 36 a1 6f 54 8a f1 72
56 6e 2e 88 c5 51 42 44 15 94 ee a3 c5 38 96 9b 4e 4e 5a 0b
47 f3 06 36 49 77 30 bc 71 37 e5 a6 ec 21 08 75 fc e6 61 16
3f 77 d5 d9 91 97 84 0a 6c d4 02 4d 74 c0 14 ed fd 39 fb 83
f2 5e 14 a1 04 b0 0b e9 fe ee 8f e1 6e 0b b2 08 b3 61 66 09
6a b1 06 3a 65 96 59 c0 f0 35 fd c9 da 28 8d 1a 11 87 70 81
0a a8 9a 75 1d 9e 3a 86 05 00 9e db 80 d6 25 f9 dc 05 9e 27
59 4c 76 39 5b ea f9 a5 a1 d8 83 0f d1 ff df 30 11 f9 85 cf
33 48 f5 ca 6d 64 14 2c 7a 58 4f d3 4b 08 49 c5 95 64 1a 63
0e 79 3d f5 b3 8c ca 58 ad 9c 42 45 79 6e 0e 87 19 5c 54 b1
65 b6 bf 8c 9b dc 13 e9 0d 6f b8 2e dc 67 6e c9 8b 11 b5 84
14 8a 00 19 70 83 79 91 97 91 d4 1a 27 bf 37 1e 32 07 d8 14
63 3c 28 4c af 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:15.162 17839:17882 I/cr_X509Util ]
Failed to validate the certificate chain, error: java.security.cert.CertPathValidatorException: Trust anchor for certification path not found.
[ 12-03 06:44:15.162 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.191 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:15.192 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@719eaa7[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.195 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:15.200 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:15.218 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,109][702,1219] result=0x7 surface={true 3356862464} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:15.221 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x1238]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:15.221 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96c980, 0xc815a808
[ 12-03 06:44:15.224 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:15.224 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:15.241 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,109][702,1219] result=0x7 surface={true 3457359872} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:15.247 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x1238]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:15.247 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d680, 0xce132008
[ 12-03 06:44:15.248 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:15.248 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:15.249 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.250 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.254 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:15.255 17839:17849 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 159576(23MB) AllocSpace objects, 2(40KB) LOS objects, 44% free, 30MB/54MB, paused 245us total 202.080ms
[ 12-03 06:44:15.287 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,109][702,1219] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:15.287 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,109][702,1219] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:15.289 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.289 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.292 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:15.293 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@87ccb97, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.293 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:15.304 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.309 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.331 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:44:15.332 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@d9eb0c6[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:15.368 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,152][702,1175] result=0x7 surface={true 3457361920} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:15.376 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x1151]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:15.376 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96c140, 0xce132808
[ 12-03 06:44:15.379 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:15.379 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:15.381 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.382 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.382 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:15.384 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.387 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:15.419 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,152][702,1175] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:15.441 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:16.107 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:16.153 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:16.182 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xce132808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:16.182 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96c140, 0xce132800
[ 12-03 06:44:16.182 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc7905380 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xee4fc010
[ 12-03 06:44:16.182 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@b6f26a1[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:16.190 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:44:16.196 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:16.198 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:16.766 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:16.821 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:16.888 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xce132008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:16.888 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d680, 0xce132000
[ 12-03 06:44:16.888 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xcade6e00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xcc769680
[ 12-03 06:44:16.888 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@8c78766[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:16.897 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:16.917 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:16.918 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:17.042 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:17.066 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:17.288 17839:17893 E/chromium ]
[ERROR:ssl_client_socket_impl.cc(878)] handshake failed; returned -1, SSL error code 1, net_error -202
[ 12-03 06:44:17.786 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:17.838 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:17.841 17839:17839 W/chromium ]
[WARNING:aw_contents_client_bridge.cc(159)] Ignoring unexpected ssl error proceed callback
[ 12-03 06:44:17.855 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc815a808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:17.855 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96c980, 0xc815a800
[ 12-03 06:44:17.855 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xcade6380 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xce110cc0
[ 12-03 06:44:17.856 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@12e7cc7[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:17.866 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=157
[ 12-03 06:44:17.869 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:17.869 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:17.869 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:17.873 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:18.469 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:18.476 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:18.477 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:18.477 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:18.477 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:18.477 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:18.479 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:44:18.479 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=144
[ 12-03 06:44:18.514 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:19.298 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:19.333 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:20.898 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:20.943 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:22.260 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:22.323 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:22.955 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:22.955 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:22.958 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:22.959 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@41d0f1f, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:22.959 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:22.974 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:22.980 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.034 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=152
[ 12-03 06:44:23.034 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@28c6e2c[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:23.059 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3457361920} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:23.062 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:23.062 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcadf7360, 0xce132808
[ 12-03 06:44:23.065 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:23.065 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:23.067 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.067 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@28c6e2c[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.067 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:23.071 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@28c6e2c[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.071 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:23.071 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:23.072 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:23.072 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:23.074 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:23.074 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:44:23.089 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:23.116 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.116 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.116 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:23.765 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:23.808 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:23.853 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xce132808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:23.853 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcadf7360, 0xce132800
[ 12-03 06:44:23.853 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc6f0e080 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xc84a2940
[ 12-03 06:44:23.853 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@ccd81df[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.862 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=152
[ 12-03 06:44:23.863 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.880 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.880 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:23.880 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:23.881 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:23.881 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:24.031 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:24.331 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:24.331 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe65eb2c0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:44:24.341 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:24.343 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:44:24.346 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:24.367 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.066 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.067 17839:17839 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.067 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:44:32.068 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.074 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.075 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.076 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.100 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:32.103 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.103 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:44:32.108 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.114 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:32.115 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.116 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:32.146 17839:17921 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.146 17839:17921 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.149 17839:17921 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(125) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.152 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.153 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.153 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.153 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:32.154 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:32.154 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:32.154 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.154 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:32.154 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:32.181 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=144
[ 12-03 06:44:32.209 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.234 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:32.244 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.250 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:32.251 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:32.256 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:32.853 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:32.854 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:32.854 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:32.854 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:32.854 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:32.868 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:32.868 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:32.868 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:32.868 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:32.869 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:32.893 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:33.183 17839:17849 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 47090(5MB) AllocSpace objects, 0(0B) LOS objects, 49% free, 15MB/31MB, paused 250us total 299.327ms
[ 12-03 06:44:33.187 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:33.189 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:33.189 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:35.191 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:35.253 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:35.767 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:35.767 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:35.774 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:35.775 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@2c85f7f, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:35.775 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:35.802 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.810 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.873 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:35.873 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@3046ba4[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:35.903 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3351453696} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:35.906 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:35.906 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xe65ea2a0, 0xc7c32008
[ 12-03 06:44:35.909 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:35.910 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:35.911 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.911 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@3046ba4[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.911 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:35.916 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@3046ba4[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.916 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:35.916 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:35.916 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:35.916 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:35.918 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:44:35.918 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=144
[ 12-03 06:44:35.919 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:35.958 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.959 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:35.959 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:36.618 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:36.672 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:36.714 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7c32008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:36.714 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xe65ea2a0, 0xc7c32000
[ 12-03 06:44:36.714 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc790a080 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xccfe9e80
[ 12-03 06:44:36.714 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@d89aa37[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:36.723 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:36.724 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:36.739 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:36.739 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:36.739 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:36.740 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:36.740 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:36.879 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:44:37.175 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:37.175 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:44:37.185 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:37.186 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:44:37.189 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:37.211 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.393 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.394 17839:17839 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.394 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:44:42.395 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.396 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.397 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.397 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.414 17839:17924 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.414 17839:17924 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.416 17839:17924 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(121) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.431 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:42.434 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.434 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:44:42.435 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:42.435 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:42.441 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.448 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:42.449 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.449 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:42.467 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.467 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.467 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.467 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:42.469 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:42.469 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:42.469 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.469 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:42.469 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:42.482 17839:17849 I/rowser.standar ]
CollectorTransition concurrent copying GC freed 24035(1166KB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 49% free, 15MB/31MB, paused 565us total 316.586ms
[ 12-03 06:44:42.483 17839:17847 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:44:42.497 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:44:42.535 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.537 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:42.537 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:42.537 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:42.549 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:42.549 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:42.549 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:42.549 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:42.557 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.563 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:42.564 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:42.568 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:43.784 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:43.785 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:43.785 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:43.785 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:43.785 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:43.786 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:43.787 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:43.787 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:43.787 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:43.787 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:43.788 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:43.815 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:43.815 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:43.815 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:43.815 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:43.815 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:43.816 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:43.816 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:43.816 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:43.816 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:43.816 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:43.817 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:43.840 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:44.131 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:44.135 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:44.135 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:45.685 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:45.710 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:46.590 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:46.644 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:47.913 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:47.958 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:48.596 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:48.597 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:48.605 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:48.606 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@dca7132, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:48.606 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:48.628 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.637 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.696 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:48.696 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@4454b1f[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:48.729 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3495260160} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:48.732 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:48.732 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcadf9880, 0xd0557008
[ 12-03 06:44:48.735 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:48.735 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:48.737 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.737 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@4454b1f[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.737 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:48.742 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@4454b1f[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.742 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:48.742 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:48.742 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:48.742 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:48.745 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:44:48.745 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:44:48.746 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:48.795 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.795 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:48.795 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:50.115 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:50.160 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:50.194 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0557008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:50.194 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcadf9880, 0xd0557000
[ 12-03 06:44:50.194 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc6f79800 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xd057e890
[ 12-03 06:44:50.194 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@32abebe[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:50.204 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=161
[ 12-03 06:44:50.206 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:50.223 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:50.223 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:50.223 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:50.225 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:44:50.225 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:50.376 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:44:50.688 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:44:50.688 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:44:50.697 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:50.698 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:44:50.699 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:50.725 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.487 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.488 17839:17839 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.488 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:44:55.489 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.498 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.499 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.500 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.523 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:55.527 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.527 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:44:55.527 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:55.527 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:55.532 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.533 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 1 line
[ 12-03 06:44:55.536 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.538 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.539 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.539 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:55.556 17839:17924 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.556 17839:17924 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.560 17839:17924 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(125) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.567 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.567 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.567 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.567 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:55.569 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:55.569 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:44:55.569 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.569 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:55.569 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:55.593 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=152
[ 12-03 06:44:55.630 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.632 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:55.633 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:55.633 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:55.643 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:44:55.644 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:55.644 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:55.644 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:55.651 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.657 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:55.658 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:44:55.662 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:44:56.214 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:56.215 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:44:56.215 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:44:56.215 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:56.215 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:44:56.229 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:56.229 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:44:56.229 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:44:56.229 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:44:56.230 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:44:56.245 17839:17924 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:44:56.522 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:56.526 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:44:56.526 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:44:58.205 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:58.279 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:59.006 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:44:59.040 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:44:59.779 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:44:59.780 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:44:59.787 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:44:59.788 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@9501e2e, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:44:59.788 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:44:59.815 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.822 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.874 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:44:59.874 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@34778b[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:44:59.898 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3495260160} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:44:59.901 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:44:59.901 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fe980, 0xd0557008
[ 12-03 06:44:59.904 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:59.905 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:44:59.907 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.907 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@34778b[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.907 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:59.912 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@34778b[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.912 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:44:59.912 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:44:59.912 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:44:59.912 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:44:59.916 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=167
[ 12-03 06:44:59.916 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=152
[ 12-03 06:44:59.933 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:44:59.968 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.968 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:44:59.968 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:00.689 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:00.734 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:45:00.772 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0557008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:00.772 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fe980, 0xd0557000
[ 12-03 06:45:00.773 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc6c3f300 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xcc769bc0
[ 12-03 06:45:00.773 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@85a695a[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:00.783 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=164
[ 12-03 06:45:00.784 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:00.802 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:00.803 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:00.803 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:00.804 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:45:00.804 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:00.951 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=167
[ 12-03 06:45:01.252 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:01.252 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:45:01.263 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:01.264 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:01.265 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:01.288 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.070 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.071 17839:17839 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.071 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:45:06.072 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.078 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.079 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.080 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.104 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:06.107 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.107 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:45:06.108 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:06.108 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:06.113 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.118 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:06.119 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.120 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.120 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:06.137 17839:17921 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.137 17839:17921 I/System.out ]
(HTTPLog)-Static: isSBSettingEnabled false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.141 17839:17921 D/NetworkManagementSocketTagger ]
tagSocket(125) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.149 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.149 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.149 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.149 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:06.151 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:06.151 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:06.151 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.151 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:45:06.151 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:45:06.178 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:45:06.213 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.227 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:06.228 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:06.228 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:06.237 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:06.237 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:06.237 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:06.237 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:06.245 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.251 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:06.252 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:06.256 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
------------------Untrusted chain: ----------------------
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain0 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414a5d8b781375f691e046c1afe0f3bdd1cbfb99a5d
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 745a0d8d38c01bdd9886f198
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=*.scielo.br
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Mon Oct 21 22:51:47 GMT+05:30 2024
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sat Nov 22 22:51:46 GMT+05:30 2025
[ 12-03 06:45:06.772 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:45:06.773 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: -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
[ 12-03 06:45:06.788 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 ac 7c 87 12 33 e5 c9
7c 47 b1 a0 af 2c b5 79 93 11 48 09 dc eb c7 50 79 24 48 3e
ca 73 22 31 d2 a9 ec 63 c5 80 15 4d ec bd a8 fc 4d d1 50 3e
43 19 85 cc 8e 96 a9 2b e6 8a c0 d5 0f 59 ba 81 d6 14 e5 d3
37 67 bd 8a b7 4b 66 75 f7 74 c1 b4 f7 80 90 8a 8d 19 9e 48
a1 e4 c7 1f 58 93 9c 75 13 e2 b0 f7 66 98 28 43 93 3a f0 af
f4 df 68 8b 7a aa 23 8d 04 d8 8f 24 56 6b 7b 3e 6f a3 a6 73
02 a9 69 73 4a a4 a2 bd 72 81 a3 f8 97 0e ac 92 95 19 fa 9c
80 dd 49 b7 af 97 a0 d0 a6 ea ee e9 1a 97 d8 f8 a9 b9 1f 3b
8c 1b b8 3f 00 b8 ae f9 bc 32 83 2c c2 25 b9 53 fb d6 a4 35
70 64 1b 75 f6 f8 de 74 00 ae f3 c9 c3 b7 69 6d dd db f3 e4
fd b5 69 fa ac 0e af 67 b4 d1 41 36 31 af 7e de 39 f1 b3 04
5c 61 83 11 74 5f 08 a5 b5 37 b4 1d 73 e7 5c d3 7a 12 35 0a
68 d8 7f 2b dd 1b 65 89 bf 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:45:06.788 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
== Chain1 ==
Version: 3
[ 12-03 06:45:06.788 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
AuthorityKeyIdentifier: 41830168014ae6c05a39313e2a2e7e2d71cd6c7f07fc86753a0
[ 12-03 06:45:06.788 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectKeyIdentifier: 4160414bd05b7f38a933c73cb79fa0f8512a17796189174
[ 12-03 06:45:06.788 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Serial Number: 7f1f2c902e83d0e3b6fb3bee478b5e80
[ 12-03 06:45:06.789 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
SubjectDN: CN=GlobalSign GCC R6 AlphaSSL CA 2023, O=GlobalSign nv-sa, C=BE
[ 12-03 06:45:06.789 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
IssuerDN: CN=GlobalSign, O=GlobalSign, OU=GlobalSign Root CA - R6
[ 12-03 06:45:06.789 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not before: Wed Jul 19 09:13:25 GMT+05:30 2023
[ 12-03 06:45:06.789 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Get not after: Sun Jul 19 05:30:00 GMT+05:30 2026
[ 12-03 06:45:06.789 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Sig ALG name: SHA256withRSA
[ 12-03 06:45:06.789 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Signature: 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
[ 12-03 06:45:06.806 17839:17921 E/CONSCRYPT ]
Public key:
30 82 01 22 30 0d 06 09 2a 86 48 86 f7 0d 01 01 01 05 00 03
82 01 0f 00 30 82 01 0a 02 82 01 01 00 d3 42 6f 93 90 03 a6
93 b4 ae 00 e7 8f 53 35 e1 72 1b d3 7d 80 6a ce 34 f4 92 45
01 bf 1c 52 38 a9 14 eb 61 ef 24 8b 75 a5 8b 7b 7b 3a de 84
ac e7 1d de 5b 0c d3 a5 7e 01 16 4c d9 6f 14 f5 7a 82 52 1d
f4 f6 33 4c 19 e5 03 8f 70 22 23 b2 bf 98 07 c4 c0 bd 5d b2
25 2c aa f9 e9 91 ac df c5 b6 00 92 4d a5 97 48 9e 63 8a 95
bc 48 9f d5 02 e5 cf 33 3b 80 3f 6c 98 a6 e3 dc 8e 34 39 1b
2a ec b0 35 e0 bb e1 61 b5 8c 6a c8 53 fb 05 2b f1 f6 34 21
87 94 15 e7 38 4b c9 cb 9a 9f c9 fe 27 45 30 d3 d5 91 40 ae
89 19 0e 47 cc 36 50 8a 79 0d 7a 5f 9f 65 93 51 1b 58 04 f5
07 a1 fa d1 c1 a6 5a e4 6a 50 75 83 ce 6a 26 43 ce 27 b4 a8
12 f2 ac 98 39 1a 8e 08 24 fe c4 aa ec d3 f2 cc 56 9a fd 50
46 66 24 51 1b e1 64 c4 20 67 88 60 f9 eb 5f 0f 43 8b 6b 73
01 f2 32 88 d2 14 e6 ce 1d 02 03 01 00 01
[ 12-03 06:45:07.028 17839:17849 I/rowser.standar ]
Background concurrent copying GC freed 146436(15MB) AllocSpace objects, 3(60KB) LOS objects, 50% free, 16MB/32MB, paused 269us total 225.973ms
[ 12-03 06:45:07.033 17839:17847 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:45:07.060 17839:17847 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:45:07.083 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:07.085 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 8 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:07.085 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:08.156 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:08.220 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:45:08.918 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:08.972 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:45:09.702 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false
[ 12-03 06:45:09.702 17839:17839 D/Dialog ]
mIsSamsungBasicInteraction = false, isMetaDataInActivity = false
[ 12-03 06:45:09.707 17839:17839 I/DecorView ]
mWindow.mActivityCurrentConfig is null.
[ 12-03 06:45:09.708 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@cff793b, isFloating: true, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: false
[ 12-03 06:45:09.708 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0
[ 12-03 06:45:09.730 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.738 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.788 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=126
[ 12-03 06:45:09.788 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
setView = DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity] TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:09.820 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3495262208} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:09.823 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:09.823 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557808
[ 12-03 06:45:09.828 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:45:09.828 17839:17839 D/ScrollView ]
onsize change changed
[ 12-03 06:45:09.830 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.830 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.830 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:09.837 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.837 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:09.837 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:45:09.837 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:45:09.837 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:45:09.840 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:45:09.840 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:45:09.841 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[18,398][702,929] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:09.886 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.886 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:09.886 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:16.535 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:17.062 17839:17839 I/sysui_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.063 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.068 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.068 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:17.068 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=c0.b@5b181a8 mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:45:17.068 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:45:17.076 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:45:17.078 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=134
[ 12-03 06:45:17.079 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=128
[ 12-03 06:45:17.317 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [288x104]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.317 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcadf9fa0, 0xc8aa8808
[ 12-03 06:45:17.325 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.329 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.333 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc8aa8808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:17.333 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcadf9fa0, 0xc8aa8800
[ 12-03 06:45:17.628 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.628 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.628 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.628 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.629 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.629 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.631 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.631 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-8.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.631 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=6, lengths[5]=11.000000, totalLength=11.000000, segmentPoints[5]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.632 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[15]=1.000000, approximation[16]=9.000000, approximation[17]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.634 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.634 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.634 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.634 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.635 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.635 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.637 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.637 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.637 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.637 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.638 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.638 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.638 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.638 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.640 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.640 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-8.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.640 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.640 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.641 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.641 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=9.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.641 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=9.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.641 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.645 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.645 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.645 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.645 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.647 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.647 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.647 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.647 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.690 17839:17839 D/TextView ]
latestClip type : TEXT
[ 12-03 06:45:17.716 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Unknown chunk type '200'.
[ 12-03 06:45:17.741 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.741 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.741 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.741 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.742 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.742 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.744 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.744 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-8.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.745 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=6, lengths[5]=11.000000, totalLength=11.000000, segmentPoints[5]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.745 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[15]=1.000000, approximation[16]=9.000000, approximation[17]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.747 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.747 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.747 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.747 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.748 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.748 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.751 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.751 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.751 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.751 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.752 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.752 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.752 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.752 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.754 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.754 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-8.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.755 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.755 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.755 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.755 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=9.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.755 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=9.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.755 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.758 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.758 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.758 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.758 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.759 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.759 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.759 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.759 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:17.772 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 17839 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:45:17.772 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.772 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:17.780 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:17.787 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=173
[ 12-03 06:45:17.787 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3ff45d7[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{6426ec4 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:17.793 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:45:17.793 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@659b330[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{fea1ba9 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:17.811 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3ff45d7[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[-32,634][100,700] result=0x7 surface={true 3404709888} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:17.814 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [132x66]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.814 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fd240, 0xcaefc008
[ 12-03 06:45:17.826 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@659b330[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[247,711][379,777] result=0x7 surface={true 3404711936} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:17.828 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [132x66]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.828 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fd1e0, 0xcaefc808
[ 12-03 06:45:17.831 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3ff45d7[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[-32,634][100,700] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.895 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=177
[ 12-03 06:45:17.895 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{4896e1 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:17.896 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@659b330[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[247,711][379,777] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.913 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[53,32][911,1024] result=0x7 surface={true 3439296512} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:17.917 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [858x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:17.917 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcadf9fa0, 0xccff8008
[ 12-03 06:45:17.929 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:17.950 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[53,32][911,1024] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.059 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.059 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[53,-195][911,797] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.065 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:18.066 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:18.066 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:18.078 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:18.079 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:18.079 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:18.079 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:18.088 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.090 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.095 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.097 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.099 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.099 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:18.125 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
Relayout returned: old=[53,-195][911,797] new=[53,-195][911,797] result=0x1 surface={true 3439296512} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:18.840 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:18.884 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:45:18.886 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:18.945 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:18.970 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:18.970 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:18.970 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:19.025 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcaefc008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:19.025 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fd240, 0xcaefc000
[ 12-03 06:45:19.025 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3ff45d7[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:19.033 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=173
[ 12-03 06:45:19.035 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcaefc808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:19.035 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fd1e0, 0xcaefc800
[ 12-03 06:45:19.035 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@659b330[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:19.045 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:45:19.174 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xccff8008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:19.174 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcadf9fa0, 0xccff8000
[ 12-03 06:45:19.174 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc83e6f80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xcc769be0
[ 12-03 06:45:19.174 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@234b848[PopupWindow:c9fc965] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:19.181 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=177
[ 12-03 06:45:19.464 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=134
[ 12-03 06:45:19.498 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:19.507 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:19.507 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:19.507 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:19.519 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:19.520 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:19.520 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:19.520 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:19.531 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:19.545 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 6 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:19.546 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:19.546 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:23.696 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:23.697 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:23.701 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:23.717 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0557808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:23.717 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557800
[ 12-03 06:45:23.731 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,374][702,905] new=[18,374][702,905] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:23.733 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:23.733 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:45:23.744 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:24.013 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,374][702,905] new=[18,374][702,905] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:24.027 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:29.026 17839:17847 W/System ]
A resource failed to call close.
[ 12-03 06:45:37.582 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:45:37.582 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:45:37.583 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.590 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.591 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:37.591 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:37.591 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.621 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:37.624 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:37.624 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:45:37.638 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,374][702,905] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3495262208} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:37.640 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:37.640 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557808
[ 12-03 06:45:37.707 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.707 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.707 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:37.709 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.709 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:37.709 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:45:37.709 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:45:37.709 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:45:37.750 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:45:37.751 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.751 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.751 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:37.754 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.755 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:37.755 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:45:37.755 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:45:37.755 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:45:37.757 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:45:37.757 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:45:37.912 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.912 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:37.912 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:45:38.814 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:39.349 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.349 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:39.349 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=c0.b@f16b36d mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:45:39.349 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:45:39.355 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:45:39.357 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:45:39.357 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:45:39.359 17839:17839 I/sysui_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.359 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.487 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
--------- beginning of system
[ 12-03 06:45:39.489 17839:17839 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:45:39.490 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.490 17839:17839 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:45:39.494 17839:18267 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:45:39.515 17839:18267 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:45:39.553 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.554 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.554 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.554 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.555 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.555 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.558 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.558 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-8.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.559 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=6, lengths[5]=11.000000, totalLength=11.000000, segmentPoints[5]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.559 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[15]=1.000000, approximation[16]=9.000000, approximation[17]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.563 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.563 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.563 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.563 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.564 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.564 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.567 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.567 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.567 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.567 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.568 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.568 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.568 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.569 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.572 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.572 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-8.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.572 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.572 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.573 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.573 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=9.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.573 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=9.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.573 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.577 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.577 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.577 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.577 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.578 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.578 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.578 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.578 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.621 17839:17839 D/TextView ]
latestClip type : TEXT
[ 12-03 06:45:39.651 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Unknown chunk type '200'.
[ 12-03 06:45:39.673 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.673 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.673 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.673 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.674 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.674 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.676 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.676 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-8.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.676 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=6, lengths[5]=11.000000, totalLength=11.000000, segmentPoints[5]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.676 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[15]=1.000000, approximation[16]=9.000000, approximation[17]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.678 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.679 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.679 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.679 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.679 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.679 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.682 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.682 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.682 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.682 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.683 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.683 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.683 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.683 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.685 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.685 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-8.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.685 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.685 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.686 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.686 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=9.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.686 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=9.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.686 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.689 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.690 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:45:39.701 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 17839 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:45:39.702 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.702 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:39.709 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:39.717 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=170
[ 12-03 06:45:39.717 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@9833163[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{b7a6160 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:39.723 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=171
[ 12-03 06:45:39.723 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@fed80bf[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{814338c V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:39.743 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@9833163[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[-32,634][100,700] result=0x7 surface={true 3354609664} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:39.745 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [132x66]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.745 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d800, 0xc7f34808
[ 12-03 06:45:39.758 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@fed80bf[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[247,711][379,777] result=0x7 surface={true 3415617536} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:39.759 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [132x66]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.759 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d7a0, 0xcb963008
[ 12-03 06:45:39.760 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@9833163[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[-32,634][100,700] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.821 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=175
[ 12-03 06:45:39.821 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{47b6824 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:45:39.822 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@fed80bf[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[247,711][379,777] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.841 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[53,32][911,1024] result=0x7 surface={true 3415619584} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:39.845 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [858x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.845 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50d6e0, 0xcb963808
[ 12-03 06:45:39.860 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:39.903 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[53,32][911,1024] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.971 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.972 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[53,-195][911,797] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:39.980 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:39.980 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:39.980 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:39.991 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:39.992 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:39.992 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:39.992 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:40.000 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:40.002 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:40.006 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:40.007 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:40.009 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:40.009 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:40.036 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
Relayout returned: old=[53,-195][911,797] new=[53,-195][911,797] result=0x1 surface={true 3415619584} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:40.594 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:45:40.621 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:45:40.623 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.680 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.705 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.705 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.705 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:45:40.752 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7f34808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:40.752 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d800, 0xc7f34800
[ 12-03 06:45:40.752 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@9833163[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.759 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=170
[ 12-03 06:45:40.761 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcb963008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:40.761 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d7a0, 0xcb963000
[ 12-03 06:45:40.761 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@fed80bf[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.767 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=171
[ 12-03 06:45:40.904 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcb963808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:40.904 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50d6e0, 0xcb963800
[ 12-03 06:45:40.904 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc6fb1200 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xee4fcf40
[ 12-03 06:45:40.904 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3c4c8b7[PopupWindow:296fc78] ]
[ 12-03 06:45:40.910 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=175
[ 12-03 06:45:41.147 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:45:41.188 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:45:41.204 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:41.204 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:41.204 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:41.214 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:41.214 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:41.214 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:41.214 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:45:41.222 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:41.232 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 6 lines
[ 12-03 06:45:41.233 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:45:41.234 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:45:44.096 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:44.097 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:45:44.100 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:45:44.106 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0557808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:44.106 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557800
[ 12-03 06:45:44.128 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,398][702,929] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:44.131 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:45:44.131 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:45:44.141 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:45:44.439 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,398][702,929] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:45:44.465 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:46:10.228 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:46:10.228 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:46:10.230 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.232 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.233 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:46:10.233 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:46:10.234 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.264 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:10.267 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:10.268 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:46:10.278 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,398][702,929] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3495262208} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:10.280 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:10.280 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557808
[ 12-03 06:46:10.343 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.343 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.343 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:10.346 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.346 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:10.346 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:46:10.346 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:46:10.346 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:46:10.367 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:46:10.368 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.368 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.368 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:10.371 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.371 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:10.371 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:46:10.371 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:46:10.371 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:46:10.374 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:46:10.374 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:46:10.571 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.571 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:10.571 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:11.271 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:46:11.786 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:11.786 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:11.786 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=c0.b@6a06e20 mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:46:11.786 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:46:11.793 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:46:11.796 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:46:11.796 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:46:11.799 17839:17839 I/sysui_action ]
[ 12-03 06:46:11.799 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:46:11.943 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [288x104]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:11.943 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50e5e0, 0xcb963808
[ 12-03 06:46:11.948 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:46:11.950 17839:17839 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:46:11.951 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:46:11.952 17839:17839 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:46:11.955 17839:18603 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:46:11.955 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcb963808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:11.955 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50e5e0, 0xcb963800
[ 12-03 06:46:11.979 17839:18603 D/TextClassifierService ]
No configured system TextClassifierService
[ 12-03 06:46:12.039 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.039 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.039 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.039 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.041 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.041 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.044 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.044 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-8.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.045 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=6, lengths[5]=11.000000, totalLength=11.000000, segmentPoints[5]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.045 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[15]=1.000000, approximation[16]=9.000000, approximation[17]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.047 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.047 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.047 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.047 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.048 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.048 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.051 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.051 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.051 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.051 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.052 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.052 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.052 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.052 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.056 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.056 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-8.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.056 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.056 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.057 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.057 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=9.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.057 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=9.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.057 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.060 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.060 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.060 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.060 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.061 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.061 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.061 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.061 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.091 17839:17839 D/TextView ]
latestClip type : TEXT
[ 12-03 06:46:12.167 17839:17839 W/rowser.standar ]
Unknown chunk type '200'.
[ 12-03 06:46:12.194 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.194 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.194 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.194 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.195 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.195 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.197 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.197 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-8.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.198 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=6, lengths[5]=11.000000, totalLength=11.000000, segmentPoints[5]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.198 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[15]=1.000000, approximation[16]=9.000000, approximation[17]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.200 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.200 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=0.000000, approximation[2]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.200 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.200 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=-6.500000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.201 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.201 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=4.500000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.203 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.203 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.203 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.203 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.204 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.204 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.204 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.204 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[-8.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-8.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.000000, totalLength=8.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[0]=[9.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=9.000000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=9.000000, totalLength=9.000000, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.207 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[0]=[-6.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=-6.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=5, lengths[4]=8.845903, totalLength=8.845903, segmentPoints[4]=[0.000000,-6.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.210 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[12]=1.000000, approximation[13]=0.000000, approximation[14]=-6.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[0]=0.000000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[0]=[4.500000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[0]=0.000000, approximation[1]=4.500000, approximation[2]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: numPoints=2, lengths[1]=4.500000, totalLength=4.500000, segmentPoints[1]=[0.000000,0.000000]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.211 17839:17839 D/skia ]
approximate: approximation[3]=1.000000, approximation[4]=0.000000, approximation[5]=0.000000
[ 12-03 06:46:12.222 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
SSI - flag : 0 Pid : 17839 view : com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard
[ 12-03 06:46:12.223 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.223 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:12.231 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:46:12.243 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=175
[ 12-03 06:46:12.243 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4c0248e[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{4c704af V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:46:12.249 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:46:12.249 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@89dfb9a[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{1093ccb V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:46:12.271 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4c0248e[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[-32,634][100,700] result=0x7 surface={true 3353554944} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:12.273 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [132x66]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.273 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50e760, 0xc7e33008
[ 12-03 06:46:12.284 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@89dfb9a[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[247,711][379,777] result=0x7 surface={true 3353556992} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:12.285 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [132x66]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.285 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50e700, 0xc7e33808
[ 12-03 06:46:12.304 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4c0248e[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[-32,634][100,700] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.349 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=134
[ 12-03 06:46:12.349 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
setView = android.widget.PopupWindow$PopupDecorView{b827a43 V.E...... R.....I. 0,0-0,0} TM=true MM=false
[ 12-03 06:46:12.350 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@89dfb9a[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[247,711][379,777] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.372 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,48][720,1280] new=[53,32][911,1024] result=0x7 surface={true 3351109632} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:12.377 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [858x992]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.377 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xee50e5e0, 0xc7bde008
[ 12-03 06:46:12.390 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:46:12.429 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[53,32][911,1024] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.501 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,454] vi=[0,48][0,454] or=1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.501 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[53,-195][911,797] ci=[0,0][0,0] vi=[0,0][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.508 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:12.508 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:46:12.508 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:12.519 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:46:12.520 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:12.520 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:46:12.520 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:12.530 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.539 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 3 lines
[ 12-03 06:46:12.542 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:46:12.542 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:46:12.572 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
Relayout returned: old=[53,-195][911,797] new=[53,-195][911,797] result=0x1 surface={true 3351109632} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:46:13.347 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:46:13.392 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:46:13.393 17839:17839 I/sysui_multi_action ]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.448 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.475 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.475 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.475 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:13.531 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7e33008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:13.531 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50e760, 0xc7e33000
[ 12-03 06:46:13.531 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@4c0248e[PopupWindow:cccd918] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.539 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=175
[ 12-03 06:46:13.541 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7e33808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:13.541 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50e700, 0xc7e33800
[ 12-03 06:46:13.541 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@89dfb9a[PopupWindow:7a111ad] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.551 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=174
[ 12-03 06:46:13.683 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xc7bde008 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:13.683 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xee50e5e0, 0xc7bde000
[ 12-03 06:46:13.683 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xcaec4e00 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xcaeb0b60
[ 12-03 06:46:13.684 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@19863f2[PopupWindow:3ecdaa7] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:13.690 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=134
[ 12-03 06:46:13.943 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:46:13.990 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
MSG_RESIZED: frame=[0,0][720,1280] ci=[0,48][0,0] vi=[0,48][0,0] or=1
[ 12-03 06:46:14.000 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:14.000 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:46:14.000 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:14.010 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={true 3445618688} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:46:14.011 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:14.011 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 2 lines
[ 12-03 06:46:14.011 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:2 lineCount:2
[ 12-03 06:46:14.023 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:46:14.036 17839:17839 I/chatty ]
uid=10284(com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard) identical 6 lines
[ 12-03 06:46:14.038 17839:17839 W/StaticLayout ]
maxLineHeight should not be -1. maxLines:1 lineCount:1
[ 12-03 06:46:14.038 17839:17839 D/AbsListView ]
in onLayout changed
[ 12-03 06:46:16.850 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:46:16.852 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(true) old=false
[ 12-03 06:46:16.863 17839:17839 I/am_on_stop_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:16.886 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0557808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:16.886 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557800
[ 12-03 06:46:16.934 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,374][702,905] new=[18,374][702,905] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:16.937 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xcd5ff808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:16.937 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff800
[ 12-03 06:46:16.946 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x5 surface={false 0} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:17.119 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,374][702,905] new=[18,374][702,905] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:46:17.146 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x1 surface={false 0} changed=false
[ 12-03 06:46:49.328 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:46:49.329 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=true
[ 12-03 06:46:49.330 17839:17839 I/am_on_restart_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.332 17839:17839 I/am_on_start_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.333 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:46:49.333 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
stopped(false) old=false
[ 12-03 06:46:49.334 17839:17839 I/am_on_resume_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.367 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[0,0][720,1280] new=[0,0][720,1280] result=0x7 surface={true 3445618688} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:49.370 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [720x1280]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:49.371 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xcb96d0a0, 0xcd5ff808
[ 12-03 06:46:49.382 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
Relayout returned: old=[18,374][702,905] new=[18,398][702,929] result=0x7 surface={true 3495262208} changed=true
[ 12-03 06:46:49.385 17839:17904 D/mali_winsys ]
EGLint new_window_surface(egl_winsys_display *, void *, EGLSurface, EGLConfig, egl_winsys_surface **, EGLBoolean) returns 0x3000, [812x659]-format:1
[ 12-03 06:46:49.385 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglCreateWindowSurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557808
[ 12-03 06:46:49.447 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.448 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.448 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:49.450 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.450 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:49.450 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:46:49.450 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:46:49.450 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:46:49.470 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:46:49.471 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.471 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.471 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:49.474 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@82bda30[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.474 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -855310
[ 12-03 06:46:49.474 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -855310 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:46:49.474 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:46:49.474 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:46:49.476 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:46:49.476 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=159
[ 12-03 06:46:49.620 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.620 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:49.620 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:50.506 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:46:50.550 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:46:50.565 17839:17904 W/libEGL ]
EGLNativeWindowType 0xd0557808 disconnect failed
[ 12-03 06:46:50.565 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
eglDestroySurface = 0xc86fe3e0, 0xd0557800
[ 12-03 06:46:50.565 17839:17904 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0xc7ae0f80 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xee4df540
[ 12-03 06:46:50.565 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@3becb73[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:50.576 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=126
[ 12-03 06:46:50.581 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
[ 12-03 06:46:50.581 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:50.581 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:50.583 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
prepareNavigationBarInfo() DecorView@230d085[MainWebViewActivity]
[ 12-03 06:46:50.583 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
getNavigationBarColor() -328966
[ 12-03 06:46:50.583 17839:17839 V/InputMethodManager ]
Starting input: tba=com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard ic=null mNaviBarColor -328966 mIsGetNaviBarColorSuccess true , NavVisible : true , NavTrans : false
[ 12-03 06:46:50.583 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - Id : 0
[ 12-03 06:46:50.583 17839:17839 I/InputMethodManager ]
startInputInner - mService.startInputOrWindowGainedFocus
[ 12-03 06:46:50.588 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel constructed: fd=126
[ 12-03 06:46:50.588 17839:17839 D/InputTransport ]
Input channel destroyed: fd=160
[ 12-03 06:46:50.588 17839:17839 E/ViewRootImpl ]
sendUserActionEvent() returned.
[ 12-03 06:46:51.305 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:46:51.369 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:46:51.383 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 17839
[ 12-03 06:46:52.362 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:46:52.464 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:46:53.467 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 0
[ 12-03 06:46:53.502 17839:17839 D/ViewRootImpl@f4101fc[MainWebViewActivity] ]
ViewPostIme pointer 1
[ 12-03 06:46:53.528 17839:17839 D/InputMethodManager ]
HSIFW - flag : 0 Pid : 17839
[ 12-03 06:46:53.548 17839:17839 I/am_on_paused_called ]
[ 12-03 06:46:53.575 17839:17839 W/ActivityThread ]
handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@668a129
[ 12-03 06:46:53.601 17839:17839 I/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
updateCaptionType >> com.android.internal.policy.MultiWindowDecorSupport@88c3d5e, isFloating: false, isApplication: true, hasWindowDecorCaption: false, hasWindowControllerCallback: true
[ 12-03 06:46:53.601 17839:17839 D/MultiWindowDecorSupport ]
setCaptionType = 0