Feature #1054
openReturn to previous scroll position when moving back in history
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In particular, after following a link and the back button is pressed, the previous page is displayed at its beginning, rather than at its previous scroll position. Would you consider changing this behavior?
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
- Priority changed from 3.x to 4.x
This has to do with Android's WebView history behavior. It might be possible to modify this behavior with Privacy WebView in the 4.x series. I will take a look at it then.
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
It should be noted that WebView is not consistent with this behavior, for reasons I have not investigated. For example, if you go to, scroll down to the links at the bottom, and click on a link to another part of, when you go back the scroll position of the previous page will be maintained.