Feature #1114
openRewrite the filter list helpers in C++
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Currently they are written in Kotlin, but with the recent nurfing of the Kotlin coroutine library for battery saving purposes it takes way too long (about 3 seconds) to parse the filter lists on startup. Rewriting the helpers in native code, like C++, might make a big difference.
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
- Priority changed from 3.x to Next Release
Updated by Soren Stoutner 5 months ago
- Priority changed from Next Release to 3.x
I think I am going to hold off on this for the time being in favor of Feature #1207: Refactor Privacy Browser Android's filter list system to be more like the one implemented in Privacy Browser PC.
I am trying to decide if the performance improvement is worth the maintenance of native C++ code, especially because I won't know how much performance improvement there really is until I invest a lot of time into it.