Feature #1177
closedDetecting Silent SMS Attacks
Both the Android IMSI-Catcher Detector and SnoopSnitch projects have been abandoned:
As it stands, there are no Android apps to detect when your device has fallen victim to an IMSI Catcher / Stingray. Since this project is well developed and active, I am proposing incorporating some of the features from AIMISCD into this project. Would it be feasible to start with detecting silent SMS which is not as big of an undertaking as detecting an IMSI catcher?
This GPL 3.0 code will be helpful:
Updated by Soren Stoutner 10 months ago
I'm not sure how feasible this is on modern Android. It look like the code you linked to was scraping information from the OS log and looking for suspicious entries. The comments talk about targeting Android 4.x. But in later versions of Android, apps can no longer read the main OS log entries that don't apply to themselves unless they have root access.
Updated by Soren Stoutner 9 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
I am going to close this as it doesn't seem feasible on modern versions of Android. If anyone has any ideas about how it could be done feel free to leave a commend and I will reopen the feature request.