Feature #1238
closedReimplement Display Under Cutouts
Android changed the way they handled cutouts in Android 15 (API >= 35).
The effect of this is that, while using Material Components (com.google.android.material), `LAYOUT_IN_DISPLAY_CUTOUT_MODE_ALWAYS`
does nothing if `setFitsSystemWindows` has ever been `true`.
This prevents switching in and out of full-screen browsing mode with displaying under the cutouts enabled in full-screen browsing mode but not otherwise. This option was removed for API >=35 in Feature #1237: Bump Target API to 35 (Android 15).
The fix probably involves switching to Material 3 Components ( androidx.compose.material3), mentioned in the original article, but doing so would be a significant UI overhaul. I am not inclined to go that route just for this feature, but if I end up switching to Material 3 (or whatever comes along after it) for other reasons, then it would be worth looking at reimplementing displaying under the cutouts in full-screen browsing mode.
Updated by Soren Stoutner 3 months ago
- Subject changed from Reimplement Display Under Cutouts on Android >= 15 (API >= 35) to Reimplement Display Under Cutouts
It turns out that entering and existing full screen video mode messes up the insets on all Android versions once the target API >= 35. As such, it is being completely removed in version 3.19.
Updated by Soren Stoutner 3 months ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Priority changed from 3.x to Next Release
I was able to figure out a (complicated) way to fix this for all APIs without having to refactor the UI on Material 3 Components.
Fixed in commit: https://gitweb.stoutner.com/?p=PrivacyBrowserAndroid.git;a=commitdiff;h=66cd12ff83243a33e94639766859f5cc146ad596