Feature #272
closedAdd options to configure Night Mode CSS overrides
Issue: Images do not always display properly when using Night Mode. They do display when Night Mode is turned off.
To reproduce the issue, do one of the following:
1. Go to instagram.com/ashies_axies with night mode enabled
2. Perform a Google search for "axolotl" and click on the Images tab with night mode enabled
In both cases, you can long-press where the image should be and you can see that it's there but not properly rendered. Disable night mode to make the images appear. Note that this does NOT happen when looking at the image results of a searx.me search. Those render as expected, and I haven't tried other search engines yet.
Updated by Brian Toole almost 7 years ago
EDIT: This should be flagged as a bug - I incorrectly created it as a feature request.
Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Display issue of images while using Night Mode to Add options to configure Night Mode CSS overrides
- Assignee set to Soren Stoutner
- Priority changed from 2 to 3.x
In Privacy Browser, Night Mode works by overriding certain CSS tags as described in the blog post for the Privacy Browser 2.6 release:
These overrides work on a majority of websites, but not all of them. Usually, for websites where they don't work well, it is because they are placing an image that should be in the foreground behind a background or shadow element.
It is probably impossible to create a list of CSS tags that works well on all websites. However, I have changed the title of this issue to add an option to let the user configure the Night Mode CSS overrides. As part of this, I will add those overrides to Domain Settings, so that users can tweak the features for each domain.
If you have a recommendation for a global change that would improve the Night Mode experience across a majority of websites I would be more than happy modify the current defaults.
Updated by Brian Toole almost 7 years ago
I don't have any good recommendations for a global change here, but since this is largely a known occurrence, how about adding a toggle for Night Mode in the page settings menu, similar to the Display Images checkbox. That would make it easy to switch to and from Night Mode when encountering a site like that rather than having to navigate back to the settings. To streamline it a bit more, perhaps the checkbox in the page settings will only appear when Night Mode is enabled in the browser settings to help manage clutter for those that don't use Night Mode at all.
Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 7 years ago
Thanks for the suggestions. I have added the following two feature requests for adding Night Mode to domain settings and the options menu. These will be fairly easy to implement in the 2.x series.
I am inclined to also keep these feature request open to add controls for what Night Mode does. It is a little bit tricky to implement because Night Mode requires precise CSS syntax. So I don't just want to create a text edit field as many users will inadvertently mess up the syntax when trying to edit it, causing frustration. Instead, I am planning to create a nice GUI for selecting the options, which will then output the CSS syntax. But it is complicated enough that I want to push it off until after I have implemented tabbed browsing.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 4 years ago
- Priority changed from 3.x to Next Release
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 4 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
The implementation of WebView's new built-in dark mode in https://redmine.stoutner.com/issues/366 makes this unnecessary.