



Bug #550


Downloads manager entry in menu takes down app

Added by GNU User almost 5 years ago. Updated almost 5 years ago.

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Bug: Opening the download manager fromthe menu crashes the app.
To reproduce: launch Privacy Browser from the launcher, let it open Homepage, swipe to access the main menu, click "Downloads". App crash.
More info: tried it both when freshly started Privacy Browser, and when running a background download. Always crash. Running version 3.4.1


log.txt (9.22 KB) log.txt GNU User, 04/11/2020 08:23 AM
Actions #1

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 5 years ago

  • Assignee set to Soren Stoutner

The download entry in the Navigation menu hasn't changed in recent releases of Privacy Browser. And, I am not able to replicate the issue on any of my devices.

Note that even though all the download code in Privacy Browser was switched from using Android's Download Manager to a custom implementation in Privacy Browser 3.4, the viewing of downloads as evoked from the Navigation menu still invokes Android's Download Manager. Therefore, if you have done something to disable or remove Android's Download Manager, you will have issues when you run this command. (As Download Manager is a core part of the Android Open Source Project, you should expect to have issues across the operating system if it is not functional).

If you have not done something to disable Android's Download Manager, please post a logcat (in general, always post a logcat when there is a crash) and I can look it at more closely.

Actions #2

Updated by GNU User almost 5 years ago

I am not sure if I did remove it or not... Here is the log file, maybe this will solve the issue.

However, I would expect when a download is running in the background (or multiple downloads are running) that the "Download" menu would give a view of % downloaded, time spent, filesize, etc. Maybe this is not yet implemented?

Actions #3

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 5 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

Here is the entry in the logcat that shows why your browser is crashing:

android.content.ActivityNotFoundException: No Activity found to handle Intent { act=android.intent.action.VIEW_DOWNLOADS flg=0x10000000 }

Which means that Android's Download Manager is not functioning on your device. When you fix Android's Download Manager, then it will work again.

Nothing has changed with the Download entry in the navigation menu in Privacy Browser. So, whatever caused this problem on your device was some change that happened outside of any Privacy Browser update.

Actions #4

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 5 years ago

Regarding your following comment:

"However, I would expect when a download is running in the background (or multiple downloads are running) that the "Download" menu would give a view of % downloaded, time spent, filesize, etc. Maybe this is not yet implemented?"

No, this isn't implemented, neither is it currently planned to be implemented. Doing so would require creating a system service. There are privacy and security implications to doing so. I haven't spent the time to work through all of those implications to see if I can do it securely. At some future point in Privacy Browser's development, I plan to take the time to do so. If I can find a secure method of handling this, then I will do it.


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