



Feature #915


Rename of downloaded duplicate

Added by Il Av over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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When I download something twice (same names) the app is rename the second file. The second file has (1) at the end of the filename.

The problem is that the file type is changing. For example look at the screenshoot attached.

The second file isn't a pdf file, it's a ".pdf (1)" file so I can't open it anymore. I have to rename the file. It would be better to add the (1) in the first part of the names so it still has the same ending.

When I'm using an external downloader in privacy browser everything is fine but I have to start an other browser in order to download something. So I think it's a caused by privacy browser.


Actions #1

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

This is actually the behavior of the Android file picker when saving a file with the same name as an existing file.

For privacy and security reasons Privacy Browser does not have permissions to access the file system directly. Instead, when saving a file the user is kicked out to Android's file picker, which handles the actual writing of the file to the file system. This prevents the security scenario where a malicious website is able to compromise Privacy Browser and prevents such a malicious site from being able to read or write files without the user giving explicit permission each time through the standard Android file picker.

The file picker provides the opportunity for the user to choose a different name for the file, but it doesn't provide any visual indication that there is a conflict. If the user does not select a new name it appends (1), (2), etc. to the file name to make it unique. Because this is appended after the file name extension it messes with auto detection of the file type.

As this is a bug with a standard Android element that affects a whole bunch of apps, Privacy Browser isn't really the place to fix it. There is always the chance that Google might modify this behavior in future versions of Android of their own accord. And you are always welcome to submit a bug report to Google about the issue at Often Google just ignores bug reports, but every once in a while you are able to get through to someone.

Actions #2

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago

Here is an example of an Android bug report on this issue that was closed without fixing:

Actions #3

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago

I created a new bug report that will hopefully get some traction:

You can click on the +1 I'm Impacted button to indicate that the bug is important to you. Sometimes if a lot of people indicate they are impacted Google takes it more seriously.


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