

divest os

  • Login: divest_os
  • Registered on: 07/31/2023
  • Last sign in: 07/31/2023


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05:24 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #1050: [SECURITY] Why not use Chrome render engine instead of WebView?
`vulnerability potential can be used to gain access to shared preference files using the file:/// command or can util... divest os
05:16 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #1050: [SECURITY] Why not use Chrome render engine instead of WebView?
And that page ranked FOSS browser higher than Privacy browser
because Privacy browser's "Fingerprinting Protection" ...
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05:10 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #1050 (Closed): [SECURITY] Why not use Chrome render engine instead of WebView?
The #DivestOS is badmouthing your browser here:
"you are likely using the Google/Chrome WebView with extra telemet...
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05:19 PM Privacy Browser Android Bug #909: Block ads in YouTube videos
No other browser have below feature.
1. Add "Redirect" settings page
2. Textbox like
(from) (to)
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