


[resolved] Privacy Browser Android was hidden when launched by old URLCheck even when it was running + app was often killed

Added by v ... about 1 year ago

In the past, I had some weird behaviours with Privacy Browser Android.

  1. First behaviour: The app was often disappearing from recent apps when I was switching to another app. However, Privacy Browser was running in the background, and I was able to check that clicking on the app icon from my launcher, which wasn't really opening the app, but was just putting it in foreground.
  2. Second behaviour: The app was randomly crashing, without any easily comprehensible pattern, except when switching from Privacy Browser to another app, even if for a couple of seconds, was often a threat on the life of my tabs. I don't remember there was any log with explicit reason in Logcat.

Then I saw that URLCheck (which acts as an intermediary when opening URL links) has fixed a couple of bugs while releasing v2.11, one of them being "Fix: opened apps weren't showing on recents". Then, I understood why all these troubles.

I wonder if Privacy Browser was/is launched as a child process of URLCheck.

Hope this could help someone.

Replies (2)

RE: [resolved] Privacy Browser Android was hidden even when it was running + app was often killed - Added by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago

That is interesting. Thanks for the information. I don't personally use URLCheck, but I imagine that some people do, so it is helpful to have this documented someplace where a search can pull it up.
