


Feature Suggestion - Bookmarking

Added by Raven Nine 8 months ago

While bookmarking in Privacy Browser is entirely functional I feel adding a new bookmark and installing it to a specific folder is convoluted so managing bookmarks could use some refinement;

The existing bookmarks button on the GUI modified to add a drop down with 2 choices;
'Add to Bookmarks'
'Go to Bookmarks'

'Go to Bookmarks' to maintain the original function of that button.

'Add to Bookmarks' to bring up a dialogue showing the current webpage name which can be edited right there in that dialogue and a Folders Button which shows the default folder in which the bookmark will be installed. Clicking that Folders button would bring up a list of user created folders allowing the user to click on the one they wish to add the new bookmark to.
Once done a Save button to complete the process if adding that new bookmark.

’Add to Bookmarks' could read 'Edit Bookmark' if that page was already bookmarked.

As a researcher I have hundreds of bookmarks and tens of folders. Sorting them into alphabetical order can be very tedious so I would request an automatic sort folders and bookmarks by alphabetical order or creation date.

Replies (3)

RE: Feature Suggestion - Bookmarking - Added by Soren Stoutner 8 months ago

There are currently three buttons in the bookmark drawer.

1. Bookmarks Activity
2. Add Folder
3. Add Bookmark.

Add bookmark adds a bookmark to the folder you are currently in. If you want to put the new bookmark in a particular folder, just navigate to that folder before adding the bookmark.

See Feature #1142: Add an option to sort bookmarks alphabetically regarding the automatic sorting of bookmarks alphabetically.

RE: Feature Suggestion - Bookmarking - Added by Raven Nine 8 months ago

Yes I see that so my suggestion would be to modify the 'Add Bookmark' dialogue to include a destination folder option.

RE: Feature Suggestion - Bookmarking - Added by Soren Stoutner 8 months ago

How do you feel that would be better than the current workflow of navigating to the desired folder before creating the bookmark?

As a side note, the drawer retains the current folder, so once you have navigated to that folder you can easily create a number of bookmarks in it.
