


crash reports?

Added by Air Yes 7 months ago

good day!

can someone tell me if PB crash reports are any useful to share with devs? and if so, where and how should be it done?

Replies (3)

RE: crash reports? - Added by Soren Stoutner 7 months ago

How helpful it is depends on why it crashed. For example, if the problem is with WebView, then the crash will indicate that, but there isn't much Privacy Browser can do to fix it besides recommending you upgrade to a newer version of WebView once they have fixed the problem.

However, as a general rule, anytime you encounter a crash that you can reproduce, please file a bug report and include a copy of the logcat.

RE: crash reports? - Added by Air Yes 7 months ago

thanks for clarifying!

This crash happened without any obvious to me trigger, just tried to open a site, that has been visited using PB very recently with no problems. PB is doing great at supporting my access when other over (privacy) titghtened browsers are not able to provide access, so im not comolpining at anything at all, just checking.

In the system crash report i'm not seeing anything pointing to webview, but in PB logcat there is something. Anyway i doubt that I knonw what to look for as indicators, so i would rather let the right eyes to do it. here is logcat right after the crash, a system crash report and about text. If any further cooperation needed pls lmk.

RE: crash reports? - Added by Soren Stoutner 7 months ago

Those are very interesting error messages. They don't appear to indicate a problem with Privacy Browser itself, but rather something with the underlying OS. Particularly, some problem with the Android's animation code.
