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Dark mode schedule restarts the browser
Added by ask low about 2 months ago
This sometimes annoys me. The dark mode auto schedule setting (based on sunset/sunrise or custom time) is basically reloading the whole browser twice a day. All the tabs get refreshed. And sometimes the worst part is that the whole browser is quit with all tabs pruned, with a fresh start.
Replies (2)
RE: Dark mode schedule restarts the browser - Added by Soren Stoutner about 2 months ago
This is a function of how Android's day/night OS theme works. It can only be set on creation, so changing it requires the app to restart.
It is possible that other browsers use custom day/night theme code, but one of Privacy Browser's core design philosophies is to use the standard Android tools as much as possible.
RE: Dark mode schedule restarts the browser - Added by ask low about 2 months ago
Right now, I'm mostly browsing on Firefox as I shifted all of my login sessions to Firefox Android. Dark mode in there is actually an extension so I don't seem to experience this reload phenomena.
I'm using PB only as a way to surf non session based browsing such as news articles, weather & other such utilities. Because there's no cookie management in PB as of now.