



Feature #1031


Please consider adding zoom in the status bar

Added by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.

Next Release
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Right now it is not intuitive to use the zoom in Privacy Browser PC. I would really like to see something like what I attached in the image added to the navigation bar. It would be easier to zoom in + or - on each tab.


Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 18-48-36.png (1.81 KB) Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 18-48-36.png c3po c3po, 06/24/2023 10:13 AM
Find Toolbar.png (8.31 KB) Find Toolbar.png Soren Stoutner, 06/24/2023 11:02 AM
Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png (6.73 KB) Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png c3po c3po, 06/24/2023 11:17 AM
Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png (6.73 KB) Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png navigation bar c3po c3po, 06/24/2023 11:17 AM
Zoom Screenshot.png (101 KB) Zoom Screenshot.png Soren Stoutner, 06/28/2023 04:55 PM
Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 18-48-36.png
Find Toolbar.png
Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png
Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png
Zoom Screenshot.png
Actions #1

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 2 years ago

  • Assignee set to Soren Stoutner
  • Priority changed from 3.x to Next Release

That is a good idea. By navigation bar, I am assuming you mean what is usually described as the status bar (at the bottom of the window). Or do you mean one of the toolbars at the top of the screen?

Actions #2

Updated by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-1:

That is a good idea. By navigation bar, I am assuming you mean what is usually described as the status bar (at the bottom of the window). Or do you mean one of the toolbars at the top of the screen?

I mean on the top, to the right of where we put a web link. In Privacy Browser PC it will be next to js, local storage and DOM buttons.

Actions #3

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 2 years ago

Find Toolbar.png

Do you think that gets a little crowded with the find toolbar (see attached screenshot)?

Actions #4

Updated by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-3:

Do you think that gets a little crowded with the find toolbar (see attached screenshot)?

Yes, is it not possible to delete the find toolbar and being possible to find directly in the navigation bar?. Or at least not so long.

Actions #5

Updated by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago

Captura de pantalla -2023-06-24 20-16-47.png

c3po c3po wrote in #note-4:

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-3:

Do you think that gets a little crowded with the find toolbar (see attached screenshot)?

Yes, is it not possible to delete the find toolbar and being possible to find directly in the navigation bar?. Or at least not so long.

I only see this now in the last version.

Actions #7

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 2 years ago

The find toolbar is for finding text in the current webpage, not for searching for a new webpage.

If you type Ctrl+F or click on Edit > Find the find text toolbar will display. Typing Esc or clicking the red X will hide it.

Actions #8

Updated by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-7:

The find toolbar is for finding text in the current webpage, not for searching for a new webpage.

If you type Ctrl+F or click on Edit > Find the find text toolbar will display. Typing Esc or clicking the red X will hide it.

Well, it's not the same but then the zoom buttons could be in the status bar

Actions #9

Updated by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago

c3po c3po wrote in #note-8:

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-7:

The find toolbar is for finding text in the current webpage, not for searching for a new webpage.

If you type Ctrl+F or click on Edit > Find the find text toolbar will display. Typing Esc or clicking the red X will hide it.

Well, it's not the same but then the zoom buttons could be in the status bar

i think you'll find the best way to do it. Thanks.

Actions #10

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 2 years ago

I will play around with the location and see what works well.

I should note that it is not uncommon in KDE for zoom controls to be located at the bottom of the screen in the status bar. For example, Dolphin does it that way.

Actions #11

Updated by c3po c3po almost 2 years ago

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-10:

I will play around with the location and see what works well.

I should note that it is not uncommon in KDE for zoom controls to be located at the bottom of the screen in the status bar. For example, Dolphin does it that way.

Oh, great!

Actions #12

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago

Zoom Screenshot.png

What do you think of how this looks (Zoom Screenshot)?

Actions #13

Updated by c3po c3po over 1 year ago

Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-12:

What do you think of how this looks (Zoom Screenshot)?

Very good!
Thank you

Actions #15

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago

  • Subject changed from Please consider adding zoom in the navigation bar to Please consider adding zoom in the status bar

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