Bug #56
- Status changed from New to In Progress
- Priority changed from 3.x to 3
The priority is set to high, but there is probably not much that can be done until Google fixes their bug.
- Priority changed from 3 to 2
- Priority changed from 2 to 3.x
For those who might not know the root of the problem, Android typically only calculates the size of the screen for some layout purposes and the number of icons that can fit on the app bar during `onCreate()`. Android wants the app to completely shut down and restart the app every time the screen is rotated. However, this has a lot of negative effects on the app, including deleting anything that a user has typed into a web field. Hence, Privacy Browser does not restart the app on rotate.
For most things this works well, but the measurement of the screen width that is used to decide how many icons can be displayed in the app bar and how far to open the bookmarks drawer is not recalculated. Until Google creates a way to manually force this recalculation, there isn't likely to be much I can do about it.
Users who want to manually restart the app and force a recalculation can do so by toggling the Day/Night theme.
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