Feature #5
openFine grained cookie management
Added by Soren Stoutner about 9 years ago. Updated about 1 year ago.
Create an interface to view and manage cookies.
Clear and Exit Default Settings.png (167 KB) Clear and Exit Default Settings.png | Soren Stoutner, 12/12/2023 09:02 PM |
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 8 years ago
- Subject changed from Fine graned cookie management to Fine grained cookie management
Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 8 years ago
This will also allow for the deletion of only cookies from one domain if desired.
Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 8 years ago
There actually is a way to retrieve all cookies without using a custom WebView.
The plan is to implement fine-graned cookie settings in 3.x after tabs.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 6 years ago
- Priority changed from 4.x to 3.x
I am going to look into this and see if it is possible with Android's default WebView. If it isn't we can do it in the 4.x series with the release of Privacy WebView.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago
- Priority changed from 3.x to Next Release
Updated by ask low over 1 year ago
I have never executed clear & exit function btw.
Does it also clear the cookies enabled under domain settings?
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago
Unless you have changed the defaults, every time you close the last tab Clear and Exit is run. As described under the Local Storage tab in the Guide inside Privacy Browser, it clears all cookies.
Updated by ask low over 1 year ago
Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-11:
As described under the Local Storage tab in the Guide inside Privacy Browser, it clears all cookies.
"All cookies" in the sense all ? I did close the last lab many times but the cookies I enabled permanently from domain settings never cleared. I don't understand what you mean btw.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago
Yes, all cookies from all sites are deleted when the last tab is closed if you are using the default settings (the entire cookies database wiped clean).
Are you using the default Clear and Exit settings as shown in the attached screenshot?
Updated by ask low about 1 year ago
No I actually disabled it, thinking it would also clear my domain enabled cookies.
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
If you disable them then Privacy Browser will no longer be clearing any cookies of any sort.
Updated by ask low about 1 year ago
Soren Stoutner wrote in #note-15:
If you disable them then Privacy Browser will no longer be clearing any cookies of any sort.
Would cookies also not clear when I close the last tab ? (while all clear toggles disabled from settings)
Asking caz you said clear & exit will get executed no matter whether it's enabled in settings or not.
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
Clear and Exit does whatever is selected in the settings. If you disable the clearing of cookies (the second option in the screenshot above), then when Clear and Exit runs when the last tab is closed it does not clear the cookies.
Updated by ask low about 1 year ago
I've tried it & now lost all the cookies (including that of domain settings) which is not what I expected.
My aim was to clear only the cookies of the sites that I've temporarily enabled before.
The sites that wouldn't work without it, I needed to temporarily enable them. Then those sites will store cookie strings permanently in the local storage even if enabled temporarily.
I know this because the next time I visit that site, & enable cookies again, it knows what preferences I stored last time. That means even if I enabled cookies temporarily, they do get stored in local storage. The only way to clear, is to clear data from menu, right before closing the site (which a lot of users forget to do).
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
Privacy Browser currently doesn't have any way to only delete some cookies. It either deletes all of them or none of them. Clearing them from the options menu deletes all cookies, just like running Clear and Exit, not just the ones from the domain currently displayed in the tab.
Making it possible to delete some cookies while retaining others is the entire purpose of this feature request.
And yes, disabling cookies doesn't delete them (and was never supposed to). It turns off access to cookies, but they are still stored in the cookies database.
Updated by ask low about 1 year ago
At least how about this ? :
Clear cookies automatically the moment you close a tab, when the domain setting doesn't exist for the page you temporarily enabled.
This is important, caz a user enables cookies temporarily without adding domain settings, because the user expects it to last only for that session. Unfortunately this is not the case.
This is an issue, because the moment you aren't using clear & exit, the browser completely drops the private session & starts filling up the cookie file.
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
The planned implementation is more sophisticated than that, because sometimes you want to keep one cookie from a website while deleting others.
For an idea of what I would like to do, you can look at how Privacy Browser PC implements durable cookies.
Updated by ask low about 1 year ago
I wanted to try the PC version, but it's strictly debian exclusive. Even if it exist on flabhub, I would've tried it.
I mean, even a simple implementation is fine too. Such as making the sites of domain settings an exception while executing clear & exit.
Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago
I don't think you appreciate how limited the cookie controls that WebView presents are. If it were easy to do what you are suggesting I would have already done it.
Updated by ask low about 1 year ago
I do apologize the lack of my understanding & expertise. I've thought of this to be simple implementation, because you've already managed to minimise the browsing data to such an extent in the first place.
Cookies are an important data to be managed right? Which is why I'm giving a bit of emphasis.
Btw, does webview provide cookie isolation ?