Feature #65
openReorder Bookmarks by Dragging
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Allow reordering of bookmarks by dragging, similar to the Android language list.
Added by Soren Stoutner over 8 years ago. Updated over 1 year ago.
Allow reordering of bookmarks by dragging, similar to the Android language list.
I am inclined to not do this until it is more natively supported in Android.
Atleast providing a sort alphabetical order option would be better. If bunch of urls bookmarked by creation date. It's very unusual to find them & hence bookmarking in privacy browser is basically useless as of now.
I don't think most users would like new bookmarks to be added into their existing list of bookmarks where ever they would fall alphabetically. Adding them to the end of the list makes the most sense to me and is how it is handled in most other browsers. From there, users can reorder the bookmarks however they like.
Understood. just found bookmark reordering to be useful, where I can at least reorder them alphabetically as soon as I bookmarked. Tq for the insight.