Feature #831
openBrowser error pages do not display unless JavaScript is enabled
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For example, if an invalid URL is loaded, only the outline of a box is displayed unless JavaScript is enabled.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago
This has been reported upstream. Qt says they won't fix it. Hopefully at some point they will reconsider.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago
Maybe there is some way to produce an error dialog using `QWebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled`.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago
It looks like this will be possible in Qt 6 with
I am not sure there is a way to do it in Qt 5.
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago
- Status changed from New to In Progress
It turns out this feature is available in the Qt Quick WebView implementation, but not in the Widget implementation.
Reported upstream:
Updated by Soren Stoutner over 1 year ago
I was incorrect. It is under Qt WebEnginePage.