



Feature #911


Full-screen-mode options

Added by Il Av over 2 years ago. Updated over 2 years ago.

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I'm using the full-screen-modus to avoid the official apps.

To activate the modus I have to click twice on the screen. Everything is OK but when I have a map like it's not possible to zomm in with two clicks and than swipe on the screen. When I try to zoom this way the full-screen-modus will be disabled and without full-screen-modus I can't zoom that way.

My idea is to start the full-screen-modus in an other way e.g. Click three times on the screen or make a tongle to activate/deactivate the modus. An other idea is to add an option to the website/domain to start always in full-screen-modus.

I really like the full-screen-modus because you can use the browser instead the official apps with more privacy.

Maybe there is a solution for the "problem". Now I'm using "web apps" downloaded from F-Droid to used the feature but the app is no longer supported since 1 year.

It would be perfect to use privacy browser in the same way like describe above.


Actions #1

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback

Everything is OK but when I have a map like it's not possible to zomm in with two clicks and than swipe on the screen.

Can't you just use pinch-to-zoom on that website? It seems to work well for me in the little bit of testing I did.

My idea is to start the full-screen-modus in an other way e.g. Click three times on the screen or make a tongle to activate/deactivate the modus.

Tapping twice is a fairly standard gesture in Android, so it doesn't take much work to detect it. Tapping three times on the screen is a much less common gesture, so I would have to use custom code to detect it. That isn't impossible, but it might end up with a lot of buggy implementations on some particular devices.

In addition, double-tap (used to be) a fairly common gesture for entering and exiting full-screen mode on text-based apps. It has become less common as phones have gotten larger and fewer apps have a full-screen mode, but I have generally liked reusing standard gestures (see

Regarding a toggle, where would you put it? The entire purpose of the full-screen browsing mode is that the user can remove all the app's interface from the screen.

An other idea is to add an option to the website/domain to start always in full-screen-modus.

How would a user exit full-screen mode in that scenario?

For reference, there is some discussion along a similar vein at

Actions #2

Updated by Il Av over 2 years ago

pinch-to-zoom is working fine but you can't use it with one hand.

Maybe it's possible to start a new window with the full screen modus like in "webapps"?

I didn't knew that a triple tip is so tricky and cause so much bugs. I'm not a developer ;)

I also will take a look at these issue and will share my ideas...

Actions #3

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago

Maybe it's possible to start a new window with the full screen modus like in "webapps"?

How would one exit full-screen browsing mode in this scenario?

Actions #4

Updated by Il Av over 2 years ago

In webapps another duplicate of the app is open. In the scteenshoot: the left one (yellow) is the main app. When you open a bookmark or saved domain another "webapps" app will start (the map). I don't know how it works but it's like an stand alone app when open the domain with webapps.

Actions #5

Updated by Soren Stoutner over 2 years ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

Privacy Browser specifically runs as `launchMode="singleTask"`, which only allows one copy to be running at a time, because early testing that allowed multiple copies to run resulted in a poor user experience.

From a bigger picture perspective, Privacy Browser is not trying to do what "webapps" does and if Privacy Browser did what "webapps" does it would make the experience worse for the general Privacy Browser user. As such, I am not inclined to change Privacy Browser's current full-screen browsing behavior.


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