

privacybrowser user

  • Login: privacybrowser
  • Registered on: 07/24/2019
  • Last sign in: 09/08/2019


open closed Total
Assigned issues 0 0 0
Reported issues 5 5 10



06:29 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #495: Remove the Sec-Fetch headers
I understand and respect your efforts, but given that essentially Google and Mozilla (less and less) basically contro... privacybrowser user
05:35 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #495: Remove the Sec-Fetch headers
Sec-Fetch headers are sent on all requests as of Chromium 76, and this is also the case for the webview on my devices... privacybrowser user
01:56 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #495: Remove the Sec-Fetch headers
Well, I was discussing two different tracking vectors in one issue which I know I shouldn't, but the general theme is... privacybrowser user
05:35 AM Privacy Browser Android Feature #495: Remove the Sec-Fetch headers
Granting users the ability to remove or if they prefer customize certain headers, which includes Accept, Accept-Langu... privacybrowser user
05:31 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #496: Granular HTTP Referer Header Control
The main reason I suggested checking out Vanadium was more for the code hardening and hardened compiler flags includi... privacybrowser user
04:56 AM Privacy Browser Android Feature #496: Granular HTTP Referer Header Control
As an example of warnings about totally blocking referers without using a whitelist option for select sites, is in th... privacybrowser user


01:08 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #496: Granular HTTP Referer Header Control
Again I agree...totally retarded design...but Amazon authentication is a prominent example at least in my experience.... privacybrowser user


04:05 PM Privacy Browser Android Feature #496: Granular HTTP Referer Header Control
I agree that technically the referer is of no value, but some websites do require it being enabled for CSRF on certai... privacybrowser user
02:43 AM Privacy Browser Android Feature #501 (Closed): Fix scrolling issue with scrollable frames/iframes
When you use a page that is scrollable (unclear whether also applies when main frame is non-scrollable), and that pag... privacybrowser user
02:41 AM Privacy Browser Android Feature #500 (New): Offer option to disable styles on a page
Offer ability to disable CSS/Styles on a page, akin to Firefox's menu system Menu (depends on OS, usually View) > Pag... privacybrowser user

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