


Tor over Invizible Pro ?

Added by ask low 10 months ago

Invizible Pro is an android client with Tor network as a feature (which tends to work as root mode beside VPN mode).

Haven't tried it but, is Orbot the only way to access TOR from PB ? Or does it work with other clients too ?

Replies (10)

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by ask low 10 months ago

I've just tried it & it seems to work without proxy. If I enable Tor proxy that mandates Orbot availability.

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by Soren Stoutner 10 months ago

You can use the custom proxy option to use Tor without Orbot.

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by ask low 10 months ago

Tq. I've set socks proxy 9050, that annoying Orbot dialog stopped nagging me now.
But the appbar changed it's color. Which looks so weird & inconsistent btw. Is there anyway to make it look like before ?

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by Soren Stoutner 10 months ago

The app bar changes its color to indicate to the user that a proxy is being used. That is by design and one of the nice features of Privacy Browser.

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by ask low 10 months ago

Yes it is nice. It looks & feels "new" to me. But a cosmetic disadvantage of this, is the inconsistency of the colors across the interface.
For instance, the status bar is still dark. The dark websites & dark status bar makes the appbar look like it is sandwiched.
Should I open an issue to include status bar into this too ?

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by Soren Stoutner 10 months ago

I think the importance of visually indicating to the user when a proxy is engaged makes this worth it. Changing this would probably make a lot of users unhappy. Do you have some other idea of how proxy status should be indicated?

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by ask low 10 months ago

Btw just an offtopic question. searxng got onion engines. But they all seem to be http only.
Should I be worrying ?

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by Soren Stoutner 10 months ago

People who use Tor will make the argument that you don't need to use HTTPS because everything is encrypted at the Tor level. That is based on the premise that Tor's encryption is secure. I, personally, do not make that assumption.

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by ask low 10 months ago

I heard that Tor has a bandwidth overhead that adds a small padding of 512 bytes of Tor circuits while hopping through relay nodes. But those circuits can be decrypted easily when node addresses are exposed. This means securing the protocols is necessary.

Although, I stopped torring caz it's dog slow, consumes more bandwidth & takes a lot of time to even load sites. Didn't think it's worth continuing. I'm fine with my cellular ISPs snooping on me. They already got my social ID & other KYC so why even try to hide my regular surfing. If I'm in Iran, that could've made sense.

RE: Tor over Invizible Pro ? - Added by Soren Stoutner 10 months ago

One of the core Tor problems it that it is based on the assumption that no single entity will ever control a large percentage of the nodes. In practice, that assumption has turned out to be false.
