


Appreciation Thread

Added by martin2020 martin2020 about 1 month ago

Mr. Stoutner, I just want to post a message of appreciation for all your work to create an awesome privacy-respecting browser. I have been following your work for a couple of years now, and it has been cool to see you keep at it and make progress. The 0.8 release for Privacy Browser PC looks cool, and I'm especially excited about the privacy benefits of disabling the cache.

From disabling javascript by default to making it very easy to change the user-agent, I am consistently impressed with your dedication to helping people protect their privacy. Most "privacy" tech these days seems to be pretty compromised--marketing itself as privacy-respecting, but not actually helping protect people from surveillance capitalism (looking at you, Mozilla). Your browser actually seems different, which is great.

Sure, I'm just a random internet guy, but you should know that your work is appreciated! Thanks!

Replies (1)

RE: Appreciation Thread - Added by Soren Stoutner about 1 month ago

Thank you. I appreciate you taking the time to post that.
