



Feature #1071


Consider to Remove Yahoo Search (too many redirects with JS disabled)

Added by F. G. about 1 year ago. Updated about 1 year ago.

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I was testing Privacy browser on PC and found that Yahoo is not working good.

1) Set Yahoo as default search engine
2) Do a search on the address bar
- The "cookie" page appears.
- Press "Reject"
- The cookie page appears again, press Reject again
- A "redirect" page appears, press "click here" do be redirected
- The "cookie" page appears again, press Reject again
- The cookie page is reloaded so you have to press Reject again
- The "redirect" page appears again, press "click here" do be redirected

3) Now you can see the search
4) Press in the Yahoo search bar and search something else
5) You have to do again all the operations at point 2)

It's only a suggestion, but since Privacy Browser has JS disabled by default can you please consider to remove Yahoo Search?
It's broken and provides a very poor user experience.


Yahoo Search.mp4 (3.46 MB) Yahoo Search.mp4 Soren Stoutner, 09/04/2023 10:28 AM
PB.mp4 (4.88 MB) PB.mp4 F. G., 09/04/2023 01:23 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from New to Feedback
  • Assignee set to Soren Stoutner

As per the requirements for a search engine to be included, they must display useful search results with the default settings, so you behavior you are describing would cause a search engine to be removed from the list if it happens with Privacy Browser's default settings.

However, in my testing, I don't see the symptoms you are describing. If I set Yahoo to be the default search engine and do a search I see the results immediately. No cookie page appears and there is no redirect.

Have you perhaps changed some of the default app settings or do you have any domain settings applied to

Actions #2

Updated by F. G. about 1 year ago

sorry for my late reply. I was expecting to receive and email like in other forums so I forgot to check here. Sorry again.

I didn't chage anything in the settings, but I tried again today and I still get the same behaviour. It doesn't matter if I press Reject or Accept cookies. I'm using Privacy Browser V0.4 on Kubuntu 23.04. I don't know if this can be relevant.
If you want, I can try to uninstall the browser and reinstall it.

The only thing I've done is changing the homepage to which is an italian newspaper

Actions #3

Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago

You should receive an email for every change to an issue you created (although you can change this behavior in your account settings). Additionally, you can watch any issue by clicking the watch button in the upper-right corner.

I have attached a screen capture showing Yahoo working correctly on my system. Can you please attach a similar video from your device?

Actions #4

Updated by F. G. about 1 year ago

please find attached. The video is not cutted in anyway, this is exactly what I see. I have to press "accept" or "reject" twice.

I don't know if it's due to some redirect to the local Yahoo cookie page (Italian in my case) that you may not have if you are in the USA.

Actions #5

Updated by Soren Stoutner about 1 year ago

  • Status changed from Feedback to Closed

My guess is that Yahoo is flagging you for special GDPR cookie treatment because your IP address is located in the EU.

In my opinion, the cookie requirements of the GDPR have done no good for anyone's privacy and have only caused the average internet user grief in having to click through these meaningless banners. (There are other provisions of the GDPR that have been surprisingly successful in reigning in bad behavior by the internet giants, so overall I have been impressed by it.)

I don't consider GDPR banners on the part of Yahoo to be disqualifying for being on the search engine list because they don't affect the majority of users in the world (and because this is a European self-inflicted wound). However, if I were a user in Europe I would choose not to use Yahoo for that reason (assuming I had not already chosen not to use Yahoo for other reasons).

I would expect that the situation will improve once Feature #969: Add filter lists is implemented, as that will block the majority of GDPR banners.

Actions #6

Updated by F. G. about 1 year ago

Ok thank you anyway for your time. I agree that you should keep Yahoo if this affects only EU-located IPs.


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