



Feature #844


url redirecting

Added by xphnx the-flow almost 3 years ago. Updated 12 months ago.

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Any chance to implement URL redirecting as do?

Twitter -> Nitter
Youtube -> Invidious
Instagram -> Bibliogram
Reddit -> Teddit
Wikipedia -> Wikiless

Thanks for your work, really amazing!


Domain Redirection (1).png (240 KB) Domain Redirection (1).png ask low, 03/12/2024 02:58 PM
Actions #1

Updated by Soren Stoutner almost 3 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

This is a duplicate of You can leave any comments you have there.

Actions #2

Updated by ask low 12 months ago

That wouldn't accomplish all this feature request needs to do. I think it is best to leave URL modification as a separate interface.

I think it would at least accomplish this FR though.

Actions #3

Updated by Soren Stoutner 12 months ago

I am not inclined to spend time on a partial implementation of this feature just to have to rip it out to do a full implementation.

Actions #4

Updated by ask low 12 months ago

I'm interested to know how this kind of implementation would be partial btw ?

Actions #5

Updated by Soren Stoutner 12 months ago

Because it would only edit the domain and not other aspects of the URL. The full implementation needs to be able to modify any part of the URL, which is not something that can be done inside of domain settings without causing problems. It needs to be a separate feature that runs before domain settings.

Actions #6

Updated by ask low 12 months ago

If you mean #502, that FR asks for complete URL modification (which I don't think it's even worth implementing).
But Domain Redirection is a subset of URL modification. This FR achieves just the needed function. To redirect to another domain by keeping the root same.

Actions #7

Updated by Soren Stoutner 12 months ago

I appreciate your feedback, but I don't think implementing partial URL modification is worth the effort, because the goal is to implement full URL modification (which is useful to a lot of people). Therefore, this feature request is closed, because it will be handled by Feature #502: Create a user configurble URL modification.


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