


Problem with saved webpages

Added by Raven Nine 7 months ago

Page/Save/Save Archive

When I then try to open the saved webpage.mht in Privacy Browser it brings up a 'Save URL' dialogue.
If I save it an error message pops up.
If I cancel that dialogue the webpage is blank.

Replies (6)

RE: Problem with saved webpages - Added by Soren Stoutner 7 months ago

Are you checking the box indicating this is an MHT archive (see attached screenshot)?

RE: Problem with saved webpages - Added by Raven Nine 7 months ago

I didn't see that box. I clicked on the mht file and chose Privacy Browser from the 'open with' list and when Privacy Browser opens it brings up that download box I showed in my post.

RE: Problem with saved webpages - Added by Raven Nine 7 months ago

Here is the logcat

--------- beginning of main
[ 08-28 22:15:51.954 13036:13036 I/rowser.standar ]
System.exit called, status: 0

[ 08-28 22:15:51.954 13036:13036 I/AndroidRuntime ]
VM exiting with result code 0, cleanup skipped.

[ 08-28 22:15:59.592 13311:13311 E/rowser.standar ]
Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.

[ 08-28 22:15:59.688 13311:13311 D/AppCompatDelegate ]
Checking for metadata for AppLocalesMetadataHolderService : Service not found

--------- beginning of events
[ 08-28 22:15:59.711 13311:13311 I/am_on_create_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.714 13311:13311 E/rowser.standar ]
Invalid ID 0x00000000.

[ 08-28 22:15:59.722 13311:13311 I/am_on_start_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.729 13311:13311 I/am_on_resume_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.746 13311:13311 I/am_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.753 13311:13331 I/AdrenoGLES ]
QUALCOMM build : 961b24f, Ib57168459a
Build Date : 02/24/20
OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version: EV031.27.05.06
Local Branch :
Remote Branch :
Remote Branch :
Reconstruct Branch :

[ 08-28 22:15:59.753 13311:13331 I/AdrenoGLES ]
Build Config : S L 8.0.12 AArch32

[ 08-28 22:15:59.765 13311:13331 I/AdrenoGLES ]
PFP: 0x005ff113, ME: 0x005ff066

[ 08-28 22:15:59.791 13311:13331 W/Gralloc3 ]
mapper 3.x is not supported

[ 08-28 22:15:59.802 13311:13311 I/am_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.803 13311:13311 I/am_on_paused_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.803 13311:13311 I/am_on_stop_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.804 13311:13311 I/am_on_destroy_called ]

[ 08-28 22:15:59.833 13311:13311 I/WebViewFactory ]
Loading version 112.0.5615.29 (code 561502910)

[ 08-28 22:15:59.890 13311:13311 I/cr_WVCFactoryProvider ]
Loaded version=112.0.5615.29 minSdkVersion=24 isBundle=true multiprocess=true packageId=2

[ 08-28 22:15:59.892 13311:13341 E/cr_PathUtils ]
Failed to set permissions for path "null"

[ 08-28 22:15:59.899 13311:13311 I/cr_LibraryLoader ]
Successfully loaded native library

[ 08-28 22:15:59.900 13311:13311 I/cr_CachingUmaRecorder ]
Flushed 8 samples from 8 histograms.

[ 08-28 22:15:59.908 13311:13311 W/cr_PlatformSer-Internal ]
GMS is installed but not enabled

[ 08-28 22:15:59.953 13311:13354 W/chromium ]
[] Failed to read DnsConfig.

[ 08-28 22:15:59.987 13311:13311 E/rowser.standar ]
Invalid ID 0x00000000.

[ 08-28 22:16:00.018 13311:13311 W/TabLayout ]
MODE_SCROLLABLE + GRAVITY_FILL is not supported, GRAVITY_START will be used instead

[ 08-28 22:16:00.082 13311:13311 E/rowser.standar ]
Invalid ID 0x00000000.

[ 08-28 22:16:00.115 13311:13311 I/am_on_create_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:00.117 13311:13311 I/am_on_start_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:00.118 13311:13311 I/am_on_resume_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:00.118 13311:13311 I/am_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:00.932 13311:13323 I/rowser.standar ]
Background young concurrent copying GC freed 615685(34MB) AllocSpace objects, 33(640KB) LOS objects, 63% free, 13MB/37MB, paused 110us total 129.720ms

[ 08-28 22:16:00.960 13311:13371 W/cr_media ]
registerBluetoothIntentsIfNeeded: Requires BLUETOOTH permission

[ 08-28 22:16:00.979 13311:13311 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by m.w{cdb5c12 V.ED..... ..S..AID 0,16-39,55 #7f090153 app:id/favorite_icon_imageview} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 08-28 22:16:00.979 13311:13311 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by android.widget.RelativeLayout{75fdfe3 V.E...... ......ID 51,0-367,67 #7f09034f app:id/url_relativelayout} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 08-28 22:16:00.979 13311:13311 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by{69bade0 VFED..C.. ......ID 0,6-72,77 #7f0901af app:id/javascript} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 08-28 22:16:00.979 13311:13311 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by{a837899 VFED..C.. ......ID 72,6-198,77 #7f09026b app:id/refresh} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 08-28 22:16:00.979 13311:13311 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by{80f275e VFED..C.. ......ID 198,6-270,77 #7f090078 app:id/bookmarks} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 08-28 22:16:00.979 13311:13311 W/View ]
requestLayout() improperly called by androidx.appcompat.widget.ActionMenuView{d26973f V.E...... ......ID 390,0-720,83} during layout: running second layout pass

[ 08-28 22:16:01.057 13311:13378 W/VideoCapabilities ]
Unrecognized profile/level 0/3 for video/mpeg2

[ 08-28 22:16:02.417 13311:13331 D/OpenGLRenderer ]
endAllActiveAnimators on 0x8039a300 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0x7d230e00

[ 08-28 22:16:02.424 13311:13311 I/am_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:02.425 13311:13311 I/am_on_paused_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:03.047 13311:13311 I/am_on_stop_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:04.167 13311:13311 I/am_on_activity_result_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:04.177 13311:13311 I/am_on_restart_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:04.190 13311:13311 I/am_on_start_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:04.197 13311:13311 I/am_on_resume_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:04.198 13311:13311 I/am_on_top_resumed_gained_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:05.074 13311:13422 D/ProfileInstaller ]
Skipping profile installation for com.stoutner.privacybrowser.standard

[ 08-28 22:16:09.217 13311:13311 I/am_on_top_resumed_lost_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:09.218 13311:13311 I/am_on_paused_called ]

[ 08-28 22:16:09.227 13311:13311 W/ActivityThread ]
handleWindowVisibility: no activity for token android.os.BinderProxy@8d37887

[ 08-28 22:16:09.252 13311:13311 E/rowser.standar ]
Invalid ID 0x00000000.

RE: Problem with saved webpages - Added by Soren Stoutner 7 months ago

You will not see the checkbox if you try to open the file from another app, and it fails to work due to a bug in Android. However, if you open it from within Privacy Browser, by going to the Navigation Menu and selecting Open (see attached screenshot), it should work.

If you are interested in reading up on the history of scoped storage and MHT archives, I would recommend the following:

Open.png (117 KB) Open.png

RE: Problem with saved webpages - Added by Raven Nine 7 months ago

Thanks, that worked.
I am thinking there must be a workaround to make it open in Privacy Browser from the file because if I click on it and choose 'open with' WPS Office, it opens correctly in the WPS document viewer albeit without the proper text formatting but it does open.

RE: Problem with saved webpages - Added by Soren Stoutner 7 months ago

You are welcome to read through all the supporting documentation I linked to. Note that the behavior does depend on which API an app targets and whether it has full file manager permissions.
